New Category Idea: No CPUs Run
4 years ago

I had an idea for a new category that I think would be really fun to try, so I thought I'd post it.

No CPUs Run

Goal: Complete the board as fast as possible. Rules: -Singleplayer only. 1 human, no CPUs. 4 controllers. Rumble must be activated. -Timing starts when selecting "Start" after choosing the amount of turns. Timing ends when "Congratulations!" text pops up after announcing the winner.

One person plays all four players to complete a whole game as fast as possible. Strategies may include: choosing a designated winner for each minigame depending on the minigame, and just getting through each minigame as fast as possible. Also moving limited spaces to avoid long turns.

I just think this would be fun to try out. Let me know what you think.

TheJanitor これを好き
Corpus Christi, TX, USA

That actually sounds better than the normal speedrun idea. I am not a good speedrunner though, so I can't try it out. But I think it's a good idea.

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