Even though I slaved over this and redid several rounds many, many, many times, I think it can be more optimized, but at least I got the sub 7 I theorized was possible. I wanna try Akuma again and avoid getting Q however I can, but I also want to redo runs Dudley and Makoto.
Who would you rather see next?
I'm fine with seeing more Akuma and Makoto TAS runs, but I'm really interested in what a Remy TAS would look like...
They exist, you can look them up, though all the stuff I made years ago is lost.
But for beating the game as fast as possible, Remy is absolutely awful; not just because of overall low damage, but because doing decent damage at all takes too long, and his taunt is so absurdly lengthy that you'll never get to use its measly damage/stun boost anyway. If I ever did a speedrun TAS with him it'd be purely for shits and giggles.
I do play as him fairly often on Fightcade though lol he's one of my favorite characters!