[IL] 1 Europe 04 - The Battery Farm
[IL] 1 Europe 04 - The Battery Farm
更新済み 2 years ago 投稿者: mcill


Route difficulty, options, benchmark, time save from last route

(Base) Kill the dog in the corner: ~1:54 (Medium/Optimal) Ram on dog's back: ~1:38 (-16s)

It is recommended not to attempt a faster route until your time is close to the benchmark time for the current strats you are using. If you are using faster strats and your time is still slower than the benchmark for a route with worse strats, it is recommended that you simplify your route.

Medium/Optimal route: -Head to the sheep pen and kill the ram. You MUST "Ram Push²" the ram in the right direction and swap into it once you reach the far end of the pen or you run out of poking energy. -Jump over the bridge gap and hit the switch. While heading to the bridge, you can reduce lag by having the camera face the wall. The bridge gap is hard to clear as the ram, but not crazy difficult. -Kill the dog (see "notes on killing the dog"). If optimal dog kill fails, revert to base/old route. -Grow the carrots and then jump onto the dogs back and swap into it. -Carry the ram to the bridge section and fall into the water over the bridge. While falling into the water you can switch into the ram and jump to the switch (slightly faster), or perform a Hitbox Extension¹. -Swap into the dog, turn off the fence, and beat the level.

Optimal route video:

Base/Old route: -Head to the sheep pen and kill the ram. If you can "Ram Push²" the ram in the right direction, do it, otherwise just switch to the ram ASAP. -If you need health, get the health in the pen. -Jump over the bridge gap and hit the switch. While heading to the bridge, you can reduce lag by having the camera face the wall. The bridge gap is hard to clear as the ram, but not crazy difficult. -Kill the dog (see "notes on killing the dog") -Go into the water and headbutt the switch to raise the second bridge (Hitbox Extension¹), then go back and play as the dog. -Grow the carrots, turn off the fence and beat the level.

Base/Old route video:

Notes on killing the dog: The dog moves in a figure 8 pattern around and through the barn. He also has some sort of limitations to where he can go. As a result you can "corner" him in what looks like an open area.

If you had a perfect ram kill (following the optimal route), the dog will be just entering the barn, moving away from you. Run forward and aggro it, then chase it into the hay bales right near the gap where the crusher is. Headbutt it untilit runs away again, then chase it towards the carrots and finish it off.

If you get a perfect ram kill and are not confident in your ability to do the optimal route, wait for the dog to get ~2/3 of the way through the barn before heading forward down the left side of the barn. As the dog moves around the corner it will see you, fire a missile and turn to run away from you. You can dodge the missiles by jumping over them with proper timing. Position yourself so that it runs straight toward the water. It will hit an invisible wall and turn to face you and shoot more missiles. You should have caught up to it, allowing you to headbutt it. Don't spam headbutts, just hit it methodically. Be careful not to miss headbutts too. The dog will turn and run away from you again. Position yourself so that it runs in an "up-left" direction, toward the second bridge. There, it will run into a second invisible wall and be "cornered". Catch up and kill it. Controlling the direction the dog moves is way easier the farther you are from it. If it goes out of control, back up a bit. Also, you don't do more damage by standing close to the dog, so don't get up in its face. If you had a halfway decent ram kill, the dog will be heading towards you from the left. You won't be able to get many headbutts in without cornering the dog, so chase it to the "corner" near the second bridge and kill it. If you had a terrible ram kill, the dog could be anywhere in its figure 8 cycle and you're on your own for figuring out what to do. Basically your goal is to kill the dog quickly, but also as close to the second bridge as possible.


¹Hitbox Extension: Using an animal's melee attack extends its hitbox, even through walls, allowing you to hit switches that you weren't supposed to (in this case, using the ram to raise the second bridge).

²Ram Pushing: Using the mouse's tail attack, you can push larger, slower animals (like the ram) at mouse-speed. Like the sheep push, this should probably be called mouse pushing, but whatever.

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