How do I use all of the Spyro Reignited Trilogy Speedrunning Tricks?
I'm interested in getting into speedruning. I'm particularly interested in speed running the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. However, before I get to my first official run, I would like to learn all the tricks and skips that speedrunners use to get through things faster so I can practice them in preparation. Anyone want to help a rookie speedrunner?
IGT Manipulation
After some discussions with the mod team, we feel the time has come to officially set a ruling on IGT manipulation for Console runs.
As you probably know the console version of SRT is timed using IGT. This is due to the complication of setting up a load remover for console. IGT has its flaws, but i
レベル: Honey Speedway
レベル: Honey Speedway
レベル: Night Flight
レベル: Country Speedway