Leaderboard Change Purposal
3 years ago
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Strawpoll: https://www.strawpoll.me/45849248

I purpose we change the leaderboards and update and modernize them.

Purposed change Full Game Categories: Arcade/Time Attack/Edge Master/Team Battle Variable: Arcade [1R and 2R] Levels Leaderboards for each character and categories being Arcade (Default settings) and Edge Master.

Why? To make it more simpler and make it easier to navigate than using 10 variables for Arcade and Edge Master full game. Which only Arcade would have a variable of 1R and 2R. No runs would be lost and remain preserved just all character sub category runs merged into one for 2R and log all fastest times ever submitted for Arcade. Character runs for Arcade would be copied over onto level leaderboards.

Level leaderboards would allow for people to compete with their favorite characters in case one is the fastest for Arcade or Edge Master and they are not skilled with them.

So in summary full game Arcade and Edge Master categories would serve as logging the fastest times for any character and for a singular leaderboard of them all. Whereas level leaderboards would serve as a means to have the characters runs to be submitted without being under one leaderboard merged. That way one can see the fastest times for each character in individual leaderboards. Please I encourage everyone to really think about this I think this could greatly improve the leaderboards.

ToxicFable これを好き
投稿日 9 months ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
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