UPDATE: Sonic 1 Tails submissions reopened as of patch 2.0.2
UPDATE: Sonic 1 Tails submissions reopened as of patch 2.0.2
投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

UPDATE--Previous thread title edited: Temporary pause on Sonic 1 Tails submissions (Sonic Origins patch 2.0.1) With patch 2.0.2, the issues have been fixed and submissions have now been reopened.

Hey folks,

Due to some major issues introduced with Sonic Origins Plus Patch 2.0.1, there will be a temporary pause on all Sonic 1 Tails submissions.

In addition to consoles experiencing crashes in Labyrinth Zone & Scrap Brain Act 3, a massive global issue also affects Tails' gravity throughout pretty much the whole Sonic 1 playthrough. Quick examples. There are many more.

This temporary pause includes the following categories:

  • Sonic 1 (Tails) Individual Levels
  • Sonic 1 (Tails) Beat the Game / All Emeralds
  • Sonic 1 (Tails) Boss Rush
  • All Boss Rush (Tails)

As there are two Tails missions in Sonic 1 Mission Mode, the following Mission Mode categories will be paused as well:

  • All Mission Mode Base / DLC
  • Sonic 1 Mission Mode Base / DLC

I've already posted on steam forums / sent tweets with videos & explanations and gave a full write-up on the Sega Support site. I received a non-automated reply so they are aware. For now, we'll have to wait and see.

If there are other major issues / crashes introduced with 2.0.1 that weren't mentioned above, feel free to post in this thread on the Sonic Origins SRC forums, or in the appropriate Sonic Origins channel in the Classic Sonic Speedrun Community Discord.

When posting bugs try to include videos and as much information as you can (how to reproduce the bug, does it happen in a specific game or all, affect specific or all characters, what platform you're on, etc).

You could also send the bug reports directly to Sega. Here's a link to the US Support portal: https://support.sega.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=1900000326053

That all said, you can be sure we'll let you all know if we hear anything official regarding fixes and whatnot. Hope to have some news to share soon. Take care!

UPDATE: Sonic 1 Tails submissions reopened as of patch 2.0.2

UPDATE--Previous thread title edited: Temporary pause on Sonic 1 Tails submissions (Sonic Origins patch 2.0.1) With patch 2.0.2, the issues have been fixed and submissions have now been reopened.

Hey folks,

Due to some major issues introduced with Sonic Origins Plus Patch 2.0.1, there will be a t

1 year ago
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投稿日 1 year ago
投稿日 1 year ago
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