Sonic 06 180 Gold Medal Notes
Sonic 06 180 Gold Medal Notes
更新済み 3 years ago 投稿者: Yish

UPDATE (2/7/2021): To see a 2021 AGM update from me may sound more exciting than it is. No new changes other than I've changed my Google Drive link to direct download links to a .docx and .pdf version of my notes. Reason for this is I will be deleting my Google Account so the link will probably become inactive. If you need a way to view the .docx file, I recommend a free word processor, such as LibreOffice. Either that or you can just view the PDF format.

My notes that I've been compiling for the past few months for the 180 Gold Medals run and that I used in my run. Probably not the most optimal in some ways, so feel free to download the Doc and edit it to your liking.

Notes: (.docx format) (.pdf format)

My run (as of April 9th, 2016):