My Journey to Getting Wall High Score World Record - 123
Here's the video of the FULL journey to getting this insane score. Enjoy :)
3... 2... 1.. wait. 1... 2... 3... Go! After almost a month of undercover, secret grinding. I ahcieved the Wall High Score World Record. (By 20 entire apples!) After my intial run of 74 apples, I decided to stop uploading PB's to SRC. I thought that if I uploaded more and more PB's, yarmiplay would get suspicious and improve his Record of 103, ultimately making it harder for me to get the record. So I told the community I gave up on this category, and I said I would never acheive 75 apples. (Which was my initial goal) But this was only to remove suspicion from the community, and take the record. Mission accomplished I guess?
Everytime I would glance at the score and I would see the number 9 in the tens degit, my heart would start beating incredibly hard, to the point where I could hear it during the rest of the run.
This is my 2nd "actual" world record on Google Snake Game. My first one being Wall25, which was many months back. I also held very unofficial "records" when the new fast categories were introduced. But they don't truly count. So this is my 2nd time, and this is my most proud record :)
GG Yarmiplay, your 103 put up a fight. I got many PB's of inbetween 80-101, and they were each their own accomplishment, but I wanted that 104 Everything is explained in the video in detail, my full journey and my thoughts. Thanks for reading ~ TheDeer
The mod team are happy to announce that all slow runs have officially been moved from Category Extensions to the Base Game, meaning if you want to submit a slow speed run, you'll now need to submit to the Base Game, not Category Extensions.
We'd like to give a HUGE thanks to Maximum from the Red Ba