I wanna split 0 star into 2 categories
2 years ago

I just wanna say that mods should split 0 star into two categories, one for all keys, another one for no keys. If you think that a no keys category will be too unpopular, then I get it. It's just because sky jump (or whatever that trick's called) really sucks and hard to get in runs. pls consider it mods ty

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
grntsz, Lefuigi そして 3 その他 これを好き

i actually think this is quite a good idea

HeyDave これを好き
United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Is Star Road's 0 star category even popular enough to be split like that? You have to keep in mind there's only been 2 runners ever to have completed that sky jump, and plenty that have done the other method. All splitting the categories would really do is give TriforceTK back the populated category's record tbh. All respect to Triforce, but those other 2 runners didn't grind for weeks to pull off Star Road's hardest trick just to get shunted off to the side in their own category.

Timmybos468, grntsz そして 6 その他 これを好き
United States
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

It also has only 2 completions ever and is still just a 0 star run. That isn't elitism, it's moving 2 runners into their own category that won't have submissions for a while because Star Road is pretty quiet and the hyperjump is hard as hell to do. These people did not do Star Road's hardest trick just to be moved off to the side mate, they did it for the recognition of being the two greatest 0 star runners in the world. Again, all respect to TriforceTK for grinding the sub 5 barrier for No Hyperjump, and in comparison his run is more optimized than the hyperjump runs for the tricks used. But that doesn't mean Triforce should be given back the 0 star category world record just because his strategies were different, it should mean he has to try to optimize what these guys have done on his own time to get that record back or make way for new runners to push down the record more. I agree that the mods shouldn't use top times as an excuse, but I agree with their decision.

grntsz, TheSecondTry そして 2 その他 これを好き

Isn't there a way that runs can be differentiated while still being under the same category, sorta like emulator vs n64? maybe that could do it because both points are valid and very good points.

Ohio, USA

The argument for splitting the category is kinda null tbh. There are only 2 runs completed using the hyperjump strat which is a very impressive strat to pull off in a run. If you split the category it will make those 2 runs look less important, the hyperjump is indeed RTA possible as proven by these 2 runs and if people want to compete for the record or top times in 0 Star they will simply just have to learn the strats required to obtain those times.

yeah i have the same thoughts rn tbh since i used to not know how precise hyperjumps are and think there might be more runs using that route in the future lol

Yeah as an rtabc runner, I can tell you they are pretty much impossible to pull off except in very specific circumstances. Even if you can get the speed, it has to be in a specific direction and mario has to be facing that same direction before the jump.

aaaand then you have frame perfects :)

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