New Category Idea: No Nozzles
9 months ago

Its just like hoverless but without Rocket and Turbo, i think this can be fun but its very difficult. I tried it out and almost everything that is possible in hoverless is possible here only the blue coins in noki dont work as in hoverless, the turbo nozzle stage in the plaza and i didnt figure out a way to get on top of the trees in pianta and maybe the 2nd airstrip shine is not possible as it requires the turbo nozzle but im not 100% sure. I would understand if this will be rejected but yeah

Neon_Henchman これを好き
New Brunswick, Canada

Oh hey, I tried a similar challenge (I added the restriction of No Yellow Coins) and I had a lot of fun with it. As for the giant tree in Pianta Village, here is how I did it if you don't mind; you need to be in Episode 8 for the fluff things.

編集者 投稿者 9 months ago
FT_Lollii これを好き

Yeah i did it the same way it took a little bit for those to be in the right spot but it works somehow :) The only shines i couldnt figure out were the stage in the plaza where you normally need turbo and the airstrip redcoins and the bluecoin in airstrip and the 4 bluecoins in nokibay so you can get 93 shines and 235 bluecoins and until nobody finds a way to reach that this is the maximum you can get.

Neon_Henchman これを好き