Green Stars in 3h 16m 44s by
A chunky PB was required for sub 9:40 in the 242 and I understood the assignment, not much to complain about... apart from instantly messing up the order in Sky Station, dying in Fearsome Fleet and the end of the very last green star maybe :')
(run starts at about 6:14:06 into the vid in case the timestamp isn't working correctly)
Green Stars
3h 16m 44s

# | 名前 | スプリット | 終了時間 |
1 | -(Pick GS3) Sky Station Green #3 (inside the 2nd planet) スキップ | — | — |
2 | -(Pick GS2) Sky Station Green #1 (at the start) スキップ | — | — |
3 | -SS Green #2 (near 2nd launch star, skip cs later then spam backflip up) | 4m 18s 060ms | 4m 18s 060ms |
4 | -(Pick GS1) Yoshi Star Green #3 (in the air at the end) | 2m 31s 929ms | 6m 49s 989ms |
5 | -(Pick GS1) Yoshi Star Green #2 (alcove by launch star) | 1m 11s 235ms | 8m 01s 224ms |
6 | -Yoshi Star Green #1 (above the CM) | 1m 06s 943ms | 9m 08s 167ms |
7 | -(Pick GS1) Flip-Swap Green #2 (near a 1up past the checkpoint) | 1m 32s 174ms | 10m 40s 341ms |
8 | -Flip-Swap Green #1 (in the air above laser gates) | 0m 55s 206ms | 11m 35s 547ms |
9 | -(Pick GS1) Spin-Dig Green #2 (at the end of 3rd planet) | 1m 48s 677ms | 13m 24s 224ms |
10 | -(Pick GS1) Spin-Dig Green #1 (on the side of 2nd planet) | 1m 07s 551ms | 14m 31s 775ms |
11 | -Spin-Dig Green #3 (vine to the left, wall jump after 1st dig) | 1m 24s 849ms | 15m 56s 624ms |
12 | -(Pick GS1) Rightside Down Green #2 (bottom-right at the end) | 2m 17s 531ms | 18m 14s 155ms |
13 | -Rightside Down Green #1 (in the air at the end of side section) | 1m 51s 694ms | 20m 05s 849ms |
14 | -(Pick GS1) Fluffy Bluff Green #3 (cloud skip, hill on the left) | 1m 53s 038ms | 21m 58s 887ms |
15 | -(Pick GS1) Fluffy Bluff Green #2 (in the air left of 1st powerup) | 1m 07s 071ms | 23m 05s 958ms |
16 | -Fluffy Bluff Green #1 (in the air at the start, need clouds) | 1m 02s 958ms | 24m 08s 916ms |
17 | -(Pick GS1) Fiery Flotilla Green #2 (above lava near checkpoint) | 1m 23s 358ms | 25m 32s 274ms |
18 | -Fiery Flotilla Green #1 (top of the castle, left side) | 1m 06s 320ms | 26m 38s 594ms |
19 | -(Pick GS1) Puzzle Plank Green #3 (bottom-right, under platform) | 1m 41s 281ms | 28m 19s 875ms |
20 | -Puzzle Plank Green #1 (above ? block at the start) ゴールド | 0m 52s 069ms | 29m 11s 944ms |
21 | -(Pick GS1) Puzzle Plank Green #2 (wall jump before GS3) | 1m 13s 157ms | 30m 25s 101ms |
22 | -(Pick GS1) Hightail Falls Green #3 (above Yoshi flowers, near CM) ゴールド | 2m 08s 110ms | 32m 33s 211ms |
23 | -(Pick GS1) Hightail Falls Green #2 (to the right of CM) | 2m 02s 062ms | 34m 35s 273ms |
24 | -Hightail Falls Green #1 (at the top of Yoshi ramp, go left) | 1m 20s 865ms | 35m 56s 138ms |
25 | -(Pick GS1) Boulder Bowl Green #3 (edge near 2nd powerup) | 1m 26s 156ms | 37m 22s 294ms |
26 | -(Pick GS1) Boulder Bowl Green #2 (under the ramp) | 0m 59s 329ms | 38m 21s 623ms |
27 | -Boulder Bowl Green #1 (wall kick up the bridge) | 0m 58s 443ms | 39m 20s 066ms |
28 | -(Pick GS1) Wild Glide Green #2 (left option, -> at the end) | 2m 09s 852ms | 41m 29s 918ms |
29 | -Wild Glide Green #1 (all the way down after 3rd gate) ゴールド | 1m 20s 593ms | 42m 50s 511ms |
30 | -(Pick GS3) Cosmic Cove Green #3 (at the end, left of the key) | 2m 54s 291ms | 45m 44s 802ms |
31 | -(Pick GS3) Cosmic Cove Green #2 (right of a black hole in 2D part) | 2m 13s 303ms | 47m 58s 105ms |
32 | -(Pick GS1) Cosmic Cove Green #1 (behind regular star) | 2m 00s 431ms | 49m 58s 536ms |
33 | -(Pick GS1) Honeybloom Green #2 (above swings after 2nd Cp) | 2m 27s 171ms | 52m 25s 707ms |
34 | -Honeybloom Green #1 (in the air before 2nd checkpoint) | 1m 49s 144ms | 54m 14s 851ms |
35 | -(Pick GS2) Lava Lair Green #1 (behind a rock near whomps) | 1m 47s 869ms | 56m 02s 720ms |
36 | -Lava Lair Green #2 (below ground past 2nd checkpoint) ゴールド | 1m 50s 607ms | 57m 53s 327ms |
37 | -(Pick GS1) Tall Trunk Green #2 (2nd planet left of CM) | 1m 43s 486ms | 59m 36s 813ms |
38 | -(Pick GS1) Tall Trunk Green #1 (up the tree above 6-shroom) | 1m 07s 422ms | 1h 00m 44s 235ms |
39 | -Tall Trunk Green #3 (upside-down in 4th tunnel) | 2m 15s 246ms | 1h 02m 59s 481ms |
40 | -(Pick GS1) Cloudy Court Green #3 (end behind the windmill) | 2m 17s 102ms | 1h 05m 16s 583ms |
41 | -(Pick GS1) Cloudy Court Green #2 (in the air past 1st launch star) | 1m 14s 734ms | 1h 06m 31s 317ms |
42 | -Cloudy Court Green #1 (up above green animal hedge) | 0m 55s 407ms | 1h 07m 26s 724ms |
43 | -(Pick GS1) Rolling Masterpiece Green #2 (edge near end) | 2m 22s 884ms | 1h 09m 49s 608ms |
44 | -Rolling Masterpiece Green #1 (key in green, edge of elevator) | 1m 26s 696ms | 1h 11m 16s 304ms |
45 | -(Pick GS1) Freezy Flake Green #2 (last planet up-right) | 1m 57s 982ms | 1h 13m 14s 286ms |
46 | -(Pick GS1) Freezy Flake Green #1 (upside-down on the slide) | 1m 15s 582ms | 1h 14m 29s 868ms |
47 | -Freezy Flake Green #3 (to the right on foggy planet) | 2m 04s 062ms | 1h 16m 33s 930ms |
48 | -(Pick GS3) Haunty Halls Green #3 (in the air at the end) | 1m 59s 933ms | 1h 18m 33s 863ms |
49 | -(Pick GS2) Haunty Halls Green #1 (below bonus pad) ゴールド | 1m 07s 999ms | 1h 19m 41s 862ms |
50 | -Haunty Halls Green #2 (in the air on 2nd planet) | 1m 01s 886ms | 1h 20m 43s 748ms |
51 | -(Pick GS2) Beat Block Green #1 (edge before right turn) | 1m 19s 535ms | 1h 22m 03s 283ms |
52 | -Beat Block Green #2 (in the air on the right at the end) | 1m 17s 439ms | 1h 23m 20s 722ms |
53 | -(Map to W4 then back, GS1) Fearsome Fleet Green #2 (ship part) | 2m 15s 716ms | 1h 25m 36s 438ms |
54 | -Fearsome Fleet Green #1 (behind enemy in front of 2nd big ball) | 1m 10s 073ms | 1h 26m 46s 511ms |
55 | -(Pick GS1) Supermassive Green #2 (down below giant thwomps) | 1m 15s 089ms | 1h 28m 01s 600ms |
56 | -(Pick GS1) Supermassive Green #3 (in the air of koopa planet) ゴールド | 1m 11s 563ms | 1h 29m 13s 163ms |
57 | -Supermassive Green #1 (in the air to the right of big coin) | 1m 03s 103ms | 1h 30m 16s 266ms |
58 | -(Pick GS1) Flipsville Green #2 (on the roof on chomp planet) | 1m 26s 511ms | 1h 31m 42s 777ms |
59 | -(Pick GS1) Flipsville Green #3 (hold <- then -> for toad, corner in air) ゴールド | 1m 24s 062ms | 1h 33m 06s 839ms |
60 | -Flipsville Green #1 (up on the edge of 1st planet) ゴールド | 0m 53s 201ms | 1h 34m 00s 040ms |
61 | -(Pick GS1) Sweet Mystery Green #2 (forward past CM) | 1m 21s 612ms | 1h 35m 21s 652ms |
62 | -Sweet Mystery Green #1 (below after 1st checkpoint) | 1m 03s 775ms | 1h 36m 25s 427ms |
63 | -(Pick GS1) Honeyhop Green #1 (behind red balloon) ゴールド | 1m 55s 161ms | 1h 38m 20s 588ms |
64 | -(Pick GS1) Honeyhop Green #2 (in the air near Queen Bee) ゴールド | 2m 16s 978ms | 1h 40m 37s 566ms |
65 | -(Pick GS1) Starshine Beach Green #2 (above water near building) | 1m 38s 543ms | 1h 42m 16s 109ms |
66 | -(Pick GS1) Starshine Beach Green #1 (above tree near tower) | 1m 21s 933ms | 1h 43m 38s 042ms |
67 | -Starshine Beach Green #3 (cloud powerup -> above ball in water) | 2m 15s 870ms | 1h 45m 53s 912ms |
68 | -(Pick GS1) Chompworks Green #2 (3rd planet, top of building) ゴールド | 1m 40s 222ms | 1h 47m 34s 134ms |
69 | -(Pick GS1) Chompworks Green #1 (near 1st chomp dispenser) ゴールド | 0m 55s 199ms | 1h 48m 29s 333ms |
70 | -Chompworks Green #3 (over right drill on last planet) | 2m 00s 798ms | 1h 50m 30s 131ms |
71 | -(Pick GS1) Gravity Gauntlet Green #2 (above ? block past 2D part) | 1m 31s 487ms | 1h 52m 01s 618ms |
72 | -Gravity Gauntlet Green #1 (above tower near turn) | 1m 00s 751ms | 1h 53m 02s 369ms |
73 | -(Pick GS1) Space Storm Green #1 (pull above launch star) | 1m 16s 612ms | 1h 54m 18s 981ms |
74 | -(Pick GS2) Space Storm Green #3 (6th bubble shooter) | 1m 23s 032ms | 1h 55m 42s 013ms |
75 | -Space Storm Green #2 (on top of right wall) | 1m 08s 494ms | 1h 56m 50s 507ms |
76 | -(Pick GS1) Boo Moon Green #3 (in the air on last planet) ゴールド | 2m 20s 383ms | 1h 59m 10s 890ms |
77 | -(Pick GS1) Boo Moon Green #2 (under the moon) | 1m 38s 113ms | 2h 00m 49s 003ms |
78 | -Boo Moon Green #1 (past launch star near CM) | 1m 58s 418ms | 2h 02m 47s 421ms |
79 | -(Pick GS1) Upside Dizzy Green #2 (right edge above GS1) | 1m 24s 198ms | 2h 04m 11s 619ms |
80 | -Upside Dizzy Green #1 (left edge below GS2) | 1m 09s 174ms | 2h 05m 20s 793ms |
81 | -(Pick GS1) Slipsand Green #3 (right side at the end of :) part) | 2m 37s 541ms | 2h 07m 58s 334ms |
82 | -(Pick GS1) Slipsand Green #2 (left on the start of slide) | 1m 50s 334ms | 2h 09m 48s 668ms |
83 | -Slipsand Green #1 (down below checkpoint and launch star) ゴールド | 1m 33s 525ms | 2h 11m 22s 193ms |
84 | -(GS1) FG Green #2 (right option, behind left tower past thwomps) | 1m 58s 072ms | 2h 13m 20s 265ms |
85 | -Fleet Glide Green #1 (literally just hold downwards lmao) | 0m 58s 687ms | 2h 14m 18s 952ms |
86 | -Shiverburn Green #1 (freeze then volcano) | 1m 28s 462ms | 2h 15m 47s 414ms |
87 | -(Pick GS1) Shiverburn Green #3 (above 1up cloud on 3rd planet) ゴールド | 1m 38s 766ms | 2h 17m 26s 180ms |
88 | -(Pick GS1) Shiverburn Green #2 (go right on 2nd planet) | 1m 20s 863ms | 2h 18m 47s 043ms |
89 | -(Pick GS1) Boom Bunker Green #2 (shoot left from 2nd cannon) | 2m 22s 173ms | 2h 21m 09s 216ms |
90 | -Boom Bunker Green #1 (shoot above target from 1st cannon) | 1m 07s 679ms | 2h 22m 16s 895ms |
91 | -(Pick GS2) Melty Monster Green #1 (above 1st launch star) ゴールド | 1m 18s 981ms | 2h 23m 35s 876ms |
92 | -(Pick GS2) Melty Monster Green #2 (left at tornados) ゴールド | 1m 39s 368ms | 2h 25m 15s 244ms |
93 | -(Pick GS3) Melty Monster Green #3 (edge near end) | 2m 06s 046ms | 2h 27m 21s 290ms |
94 | -(Pick GS1) Flash Black Green #2 (off the edge at the end) | 1m 55s 182ms | 2h 29m 16s 472ms |
95 | -Flash Black Green #1 (corner above launch star) | 1m 20s 095ms | 2h 30m 36s 567ms |
96 | -(Pick GS2) Clockwork Ruins Green #1 (above 3rd spinner) | 1m 23s 901ms | 2h 32m 00s 468ms |
97 | -(Pick GS2) Clockwork Ruins Green #3 (3rd planet past end) | 3m 09s 325ms | 2h 35m 09s 793ms |
98 | -Clockwork Ruins Green #2 (upper-right edge of 2nd planet) | 1m 37s 758ms | 2h 36m 47s 551ms |
99 | -(Pick GS1) Throwback Green #2 (above whomp at the top) | 1m 33s 502ms | 2h 38m 21s 053ms |
100 | -(Pick GS1) Throwback Green #1 (down the 3rd hole) | 1m 00s 022ms | 2h 39m 21s 075ms |
101 | -Throwback Green #3 (use clouds from "C-less" part) | 1m 29s 766ms | 2h 40m 50s 841ms |
102 | -(Pick GS1) Battle Belt Green #3 (in the air at the end) | 3m 27s 213ms | 2h 44m 18s 054ms |
103 | -(Pick GS1) Battle Belt Green #2 (above cage on mole planet) ゴールド | 2m 35s 981ms | 2h 46m 54s 035ms |
104 | -Battle Belt Green #1 (above cage on grey pumpkin planet) ゴールド | 1m 33s 712ms | 2h 48m 27s 747ms |
105 | -(Pick GS1) Slimy Spring Green #2 (corner next to launch star) | 2m 13s 037ms | 2h 50m 40s 784ms |
106 | -Slimy Spring Green #1 (behind a pillar after CM part) | 1m 33s 646ms | 2h 52m 14s 430ms |
107 | -(CLICK TO SKIP CS, GS1) GG Green #2 (in the air near Yoshi) | 2m 48s 477ms | 2h 55m 02s 907ms |
108 | -Galaxy Generator Green #1 (right corner near drill) | 1m 28s 846ms | 2h 56m 31s 753ms |
109 | -(Last PIS, GS1) MS Green #2 (3rd square down from top-left) | 1m 14s 639ms | 2h 57m 46s 392ms |
110 | -Mario Squared Green #1 (under top-right square) | 0m 54s 591ms | 2h 58m 40s 983ms |
111 | -(Pick GS2) Rolling Coaster Green #1 (left -> thin part jump) | 1m 30s 317ms | 3h 00m 11s 300ms |
112 | -Rolling Coaster Green #2 (right off the edge on last rainbow) | 1m 50s 078ms | 3h 02m 01s 378ms |
113 | -(Pick GS1) Twisty Trials Green #2 (clouds at 2nd cuboid part) | 1m 40s 541ms | 3h 03m 41s 919ms |
114 | -Twisty Trials Green #1 (right from cloud powerup) | 1m 01s 631ms | 3h 04m 43s 550ms |
115 | -(Pick GS2) Stone Cyclone Green #1 (above rolling cubes part) | 1m 34s 529ms | 3h 06m 18s 079ms |
116 | -Stone Cyclone Green #2 (in the air near end / ! button) | 1m 22s 252ms | 3h 07m 40s 331ms |
117 | -(Pick GS1) Boss Blitz Green #2 (top edge at Bouldergeist) | 3m 00s 237ms | 3h 10m 40s 568ms |
118 | -Boss Blitz Green #1 (under the tree on mole planet) | 2m 06s 349ms | 3h 12m 46s 917ms |
119 | -(Pick GS1) Flip-Out Green #1 (off the edge near 1st pipe) | 1m 07s 854ms | 3h 13m 54s 771ms |
120 | {Green Stars (120 of 'em, Start on 120 File Confirm)}Flip-Out Green #2 (off the edge near end, SPLIT ON GRAB) | 2m 49s 317ms | 3h 16m 44s 088ms |
Bowser Prologue Skip!
Hey SMG2 runners! Recently, a new major skip was discovered that skips the entire Bowser dialogue in the prologue. This skip had been theorized by a few TASers (PurpleSun and Shadow64) several years ago, but now has become a reality thanks to Sheep, a romhacker and creator of the SMG2 Kaizo hack Blu
レベル: Bowser's Galaxy Generator
レベル: Twisty Trials Galaxy