Version differences
3 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Hey, I made an 99% accurat comparsion of the US and the JPN Version of this game. Number is in seconds

US: enter Airship: 19,933 leaving Airship: 33,916 entering level: 3,2 hit endcard: 6,6 endcard level up: 8,416 End door: 18,233

JPN: enter Airship: 17,15 leaving Airship: 30,8 entering level: 3,35 hit endcard: 6,65 endcard level up: 10,6 End door: 17,966

Tegron そして helfmyselp これを好き
Pomorskie, Poland

I calculated all this myself in addition with the European version so here are my results for speed

Enter Airship is dependent on Toad's dialogue in the castle and the European version in other languages is only a few frames difference and these are my results: Japanese: 3.967 English American/European: 6.783 French: 6.800 Italian: 6.800 German: 6.833 Spanish: 6.900

Enter level: The European version has a quick text disappearance of Mario Start but this does not change the speed of entering the level compared to other versions, it makes no difference which language you choose Japanese: 2.717 Europe: 2.733 American: 2.733

Hit Card American: 6.033 Europe: 6.333 Japanese: 6.317

Tornado: I played the European version on Emulator so this may not be accurate compared to the console, Emulator after testing had a faster tornado even in the American version Europe: 14.050 EMU American: 14.517 Console/ 14.117 EMU Japanese: 14.517

End Door: American: 24.300 Japanese: 24.483 Europe: 24.800

Change to Super Mario Advance 4 rules and leaderboards from 02.10.2023

Hello everyone, after discussions with SpicyNoodles we would like to announce changes to the Super Mario Advance 4 leaderboards, I recommend seeing the rules before running


  • From now on the Console/EMU subcategory has been removed and console runs with Emulator runs are together in the l
1 year ago
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