NG+ Research% misc category?
3 years ago

I was thinking if someone would do a NG+ speedrun of Marvel Spider-Man Remastered on Research stations only because I was playing the remastered version on the PS5. I pressed the home button which let me to the quick menu and the first I saw was the "Research" activity and then selected "start activity". When I selected that activity, the game or the PS5 made me fast travel to the Research station without me going to the map menu to pick the closest police or train station that is near to that Research station. I don't know if this "fast travel to the Research without going to the game's map menu" is actually permitted and allowed, but I was just wondering and thinking if someone could actually do that.

United States

Yes bookmarks are permitted and there are runs on the leaderboard that use them. If you wanted to do a run of this idea for a category for fun feel free, as far as leaderboard categories go it's all about how many want to do runs. If people like it, it'll usually end up on the boards eventually.

DeathCrow_YT これを好き
PS5 Board Change

Due to Sony removing the Activity Card feature on PS5, the PS5 boards will undergo a huge change. Runs that have used the feature will be removed from the leaderboard due to this. All of the runs and WR history have been documented (by me) so we don't lose 3 years of runs. It's unfortunate that some

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