Splitting GBA Version To A Seperate Leaderboard And Subcategories Topic
6 years ago

As title says. That's a completely different game, therefore it should have its own leaderboard. Not sure why I'm not just doing it instead of posting this thread. Guess I'm waiting for feedback from you guys.

In a similar note, instead of giving Xbox a whole tab, making it a subcategory would be enough. Look at how the leaderboards for Sonic R seperate ALL ports: https://www.speedrun.com/Sonic_R You could either makes 2 subcategories (one for GCN/PS2/PC and one for Xbox) or - due the minor difference between all the ports (such as loads and different enemy spawns) - make a subcategory for each port also makes sense. And why do this you ask? Because of different categories, Any%, Green Goblin and 100% are all different between Xbox and other ports, for obvious reasons.

Bottom line, the leaderboards as they are now are just a mess.

VincentiusOmnis これを好き
California, USA

I agree with making each one it’s own subcategory. It’ll definitely make it look more organized and easier to sort, plus it’ll clean up the look!

The GBA version has its own page now https://www.speedrun.com/sm2002gba

Pear そして VincentiusOmnis これを好き
Emulator has now been added to the leaderboards

Emulator Categories - GCN/PS2 or Xbox

Rules: Submissions using an emulator must use the original textures and framerate to be verified. Dolphin users are prohibited from enabling "Speed Up Disc Transfer Rate".

We might allowed custom textures in the near future. For now on just use origina

1 month ago