Missed B&E cs skip (25 sec) Horrible Code Capture and diden't do cs skip (1:37) Missed terminal skip (1 min) Bad Ghost Capture choked lots of stuff in ep 8
Episode Times Ep1: 30:28 Ep2: 33:18 Ep3: 33:40 Ep4: 41:16 Ep5: 50:47 Ep6: 32:34 Ep7: 44:32 Ep8: 37:55
For not getting B&E cs skip ep 1 is a solid, but it's also ep that easy to consistently to get good times in. Ep2 was solid, if it wasn't for the use of turnbuckl twice in the ep, it could be compeered to ILs and been a WR. Ep3 also well done, but wasn't as good as the prev eps and had a shady SpicecGrinder Destruction. Ep4 is where the run really starts, and here is where I lose a lot of time Code Capture was the worst I can remeber it and the entry to Big House Brawl was not top notch gameplay. Also rip terminal skip Ep5 were I want it to be and except for the fact that Ghost Capure can be improved by at least 30s Ep6 was really solid and new W O R L D R E C O R D Ep7 falls in the same category as ep 5 Ep8 is something Mannerheim does not approve of.
Keep in mind that only episode 1 and 4 (and in this run, also ep6) are eps that can pe compeed accurately with IL runs.
The PS4 and PS5 versions of Sly 2 have been patched, removing the ability to skip cutscenes by pressing start (Universal Cutscene Skip / UCSS).
Since v1.0 is inaccessible on a PS5, we have moved all v1.0 runs performed on a PS5 to a Legacy board stored on the Category Extensions page. That boar