投稿日 7 months ago 投稿者:

There will be a tournament for the Any% category. The players will be sharing their screens. The prize will be a little slime figurine and $100 (we are going to ask you for your address, so gives us a way to give it to us and then delete. We will NOT screenshot it or save it somewhere.) The tournament starts once we have enough players and 1 month from then, it will start.

To sign up:


投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

Ladies and gentlemen, in a span of 1 night, 3 cycles have been discovered. But, since they're cycles, it's more difficult to complete Any% 7:1x and 100% 7:4x. The levels (currently) are 7, 10, and 13. Seven being used on the rotating circles. Ten being used for the platform without double jumping. And the devil himself, thirteen, for the 2 sections with the rotating circles, but makes the spike circles at the end easier, for what I heard. If you wish to do any of the categories, be prepared for a challenge.

Low budget tournament

There will be a tournament for the Any% category. The players will be sharing their screens. The prize will be a little slime figurine and $100 (we are going to ask you for your address, so gives us a way to give it to us and then delete. We will NOT screenshot it or save it somewhere.) The tourname

レベル: Level 8
レベル: Level 4
レベル: Level 4
投稿日 1 year ago
5 返信
投稿日 1 year ago