Sleeping Dogs speedrunners Discord !?!?
If there is an existing discord already I'd be happy to add it if someone would post a link to it here or DM me on discord: champloo_musashi#7610
A discord link has been added under the resources, join it if you're interested
loweredmedia そして siyfics. これを好き
Races: No Major Skips Rule Modifications Discussion
The new proposed rule would be to reject/modify runs for races that don't have skips and are submitted in the no major skips category.
My motivations for this are a variety of reasons you can view in Discord or in the thread, overall I believe it will improve the quality of the leaderboard.
レベル: Kamikaze
レベル: Kamikaze
レベル: Starboard
レベル: Indecision
レベル: Wall Street
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