Suggestions to Categories
1 year ago
Victoria, Australia


I was looking through the Trap Team Speedrun categories and I am planning to begin speed running many of them seriously, however I was also thinking that maybe we could add some more categories across the base game and category extensions. Here are some of my ideas, you can implement as many or as little or even none of them if you want:

Base Game:

  • Doomraider% (different categories for each doomraider. Start from new file and try to beat that doom raider from beginning of the game). Difficulty selections options too.
  • Difficulty Selections (for all the categories, allow players to select difficulty. You could do jus easy or nightmare, or put all 4 of them.)

Level leaderboards:

  • Add a 3 star glitch less? Difficulty selections options too.
  • Also the difficulty selection settings for all level-based categories (maybe just easy or nightmare options for simplicity).

Category Extensions

  • Difficulty selections ((for all the categories, allow players to select difficulty. You could do jus easy or nightmare, or put all 4 of them.).
  • Boss battles (have a category for each of the boss battles, timing how long it takes the player to beat the boss excluding the chapter beforehand. All doom raiders plus kaos). Difficulty selection options too.
  • One thing on YouTube was nightmare bosses with no damage, so maybe along these doomairders speerun difficulties, there could be one for nightmare no hit.
  • Arena Battles (all arenas 100%). Difficulty selection options too.

Category Levels

  • Can you have levels for each of the different arenas where you must beat all the designated levels? Difficulty selections options too. At the moment, you have each of the 9 individual levels, but maybe one for all the temple challengs, all the marsh challenges and all the docks challenges.
  • Difficulty selections (just easy or nightmare if you want simplicity)
  • Single or co-op options for every category extension level.
  • Finally, one for each arena where players must beat all 5 challenges of that certain arena. Difficulty selections options too, single player or co-op options too.

Remember, these are just ideas and might make a better community if added.

Thanks :)

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
jensj56 これを好き

For 3 star glitchless: It would be a fun idea but i doubt there's enough demand for it right now to justify adding it. If there's more demand we might. Doomraider%: Same as above, and it would also create a mess on the leaderboard + Most people will probably just be submitting segments from existing runs instead of doing runs purely for the category. Difficulty Selections: Have thought about this actually. I know Giants and Superchargers Have Easy/Normal/Hard as option 1 then Nightmare as Option 2. But due to the amount of Damage you can do using some characters and you outright skipping 1 and a half bosses It would not make much more of a difference than be careful. Might become a thing if more people want it. Over all a good suggestion.

Now to category extensions:

Boss Battle ILs could be fun but I doubt people will run it. Arena Battles: Has been on the list for a while, We don't add categories until a run is completed so If you have a run of this one/Want to do one. Reply the video of it to this comment and I will add it, Along with the ILs for it.

Solo and Co-Op for CE level Leaderboard: I forgot to enable it and will do that right now.

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
Victoria, Australia

Thank you so much for your reply!!

jensj56 これを好き
Victoria, Australia

@jensj56 I have done a run for the first (out of 6) arenas where I get all 5 stars for that arena. The run was on the Phoenix nest series. The video can be found here:

I titled the video "Trap Team Category Extension Level", and then"Battle Arena" as the subheading, followed by "Phoenix Nest%". I will change this when you come up with a permanent titled for the category.

I am planning to run all 6 arenas with all 30 stars once I get a bit more time, but for know, this is going to be hopefully the first arena run.

Just wondering do you have plans to make the 30 star 6 arena full speed run a category?


I will discuss with the other verifiers about how we will handle Arena ILs.

Gaa_Gaa これを好き

Added, We're still working out timing rules so it might take a bit before runs actually get verified for it (Should not be more than a day)


We worked out the timing rules, runs can now be submitted

Victoria, Australia

Ok, I will submit asap.

Texas, USA

Aim to freeze%

Emulator Category for Any% and Any% Glitchless

We have added a category for runs done on emulator under Misc, Due to people requesting for emulator to be allowed. If there turns out to be enough demand for emulator runs. We will turn it into a subcategory for all main categories.

Please read the FPS cap rules before submitting an emulator run.

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