Leaderboard Update
4 months ago

Hi all,

Since I've taken on moderating this board I've noticed that there are runs currently on the leaderboards that retroactively break the damage output must be 4 rule by not showing the settings at the start of the run.

Rather than remove these times from the leaderboards I've decided to add an any% category where you can use whatever settings you wish to try to beat the game as fast as you can.

I will also be clearing up how timing works for runs so that now they will be timed from the frame the match starts to the frame the game starts loading the next round as to allow for the Bison 2 category to remain, at least for now. I will have to re-time the runs which may take me a bit to do.

I may have to make some other tweaks to categories/rules as I go but there shouldn't any more major changes to how the leaderboards will work.

編集者 投稿者 4 months ago

Just a quick update to this. I have finally got around to getting through all the runs and retiming everything.

If you see any issues with the leaderboards since I've made these changes please let me know and I'll get it sorted.

投稿日 3 months ago
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投稿日 6 years ago
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投稿日 6 years ago
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