LiveSplit Update! - Improved Tutorial Pop-Up Removal
LiveSplit Update! - Improved Tutorial Pop-Up Removal
投稿日 7 months ago 投稿者:

SoulSplitter version 1.7.1 is out!

The tutorial pop-up removal has been improved to no longer trigger the menu system for a brief moment when a tutorial pop-up would have been shown. That means that there will be no more stutters in Wolf’s movement when sprinting in the tutorial, no pop-ups eating your sprint jumps and no more accidentally clicking outside the window during Ogre for KBM players.

You will automatically be prompted to install the update next time you restart LiveSplit (update became available yesterday, so you might already have it).

Big thanks to Wasted, the developer, for the update!

Below is a short video that shows some comparisons and gives an overview of what is going on:

New Leaderboard Structure

You may have noticed that the leaderboards have changed slightly. This is because a new Wrong Warp glitch has been discovered within the game.

Using the Alt+F4 command to Force Quit the game during load screens, players can teleport to normally inaccessible areas in certain situations (

6 months ago