Maiden voyage update
5 years ago

Eating the banana early now skips the Pirate Lords first set of dialogue in the new update, so you're pretty much guaranteed to save time if you run the tale again now. You can also skip some shovel dialogue but you cannot take tge shovel any sooner

Oklahoma, USA

Do we need to run it again or just retime the current runs?

Retiming mine I get a 8:56.312 Retiming lyran's I get a 9:14.813

Edit: Never mind, it takes 6 shovels to dig up the chest now instead of 4. So yeah, run it again is the option.

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago
Toastiewaffles これを好き
Champagne-Ardenne, France

For me it is necessary to re run because otherwise the previous reccord will be impossible to beat,below 8.57 is nearly impossible. the fact that we can not go back to the old version forces the re run for me. Or then it should be done a bit like the run lvl 10 of wow which gains a classification each time there is an update which touches on the leveling.

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago
Toastiewaffles これを好き

Theres a few changes and im not sure what they all are, the only thing in the patch notes is that the ending is 'more cinematic' so we might lose control at a different time. (I think staying away from edges of the shroud starts the cutscene earlier) I hadn't even noticed the 6 digs for the chest. Overall it's definitely faster so theres no reason not to re-run and get a great time.

Oklahoma, USA

I have a question about lyran's run. Does just getting to the edge of the map like he did count toward losing control? You can't really see when the ship start the cutscene because of it. If so, theoretically could I shoot myself out of a canon to the end and that count or?

Toastiewaffles これを好き

That would count, as long as the cutscene starts I don't care if the boats there, I managed to finish it without my boat appearing in the cutscene before. The issue is I've tried to shoot my self out the cannon to do this before, quite a few times. You get black screened VERY quickly and put back by the wheel. I don't think there's a situation where it'd save time. I'm surprised Lyran managed to sword lunge it. But if you can manage, it'll count. You just can't leave the vicinity of the boat once you've set off without black screening.

Champagne-Ardenne, France

I managed to win 1-2s with the dash. we see the loss of control when the screen goes to the left. I have succeeded only 3 times. this is the reason why i take 1s to stop time.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Toastiewaffles これを好き

I spammed the maiden voyage in january so i can assure you that shooting from cannon is not an valuable option, as Toastiewaffles says it take you back to the boat almost instantly after you shoot and it will demand you to turn your boat, by turning him you'll loose time you move on the front axe to get closer to the end. When you are on the red sea you're allowed to move a bit from your boat before getting teleported back so in january when i've founded that you ca trigger the end by sword dashing (i droped the anchor and sword dash, the end was trigged, and funnily the anchor was upped but the boat was turning to the left and goes out of the screen) i tried it a multiple times (57 times) to see if it make you wins second, and yes, if it is done properly. Here is the link of the maiden i did before the new update : As you can see i a bit of advance on your previous run only by optimising the navigation and the dash at the end. It's a bet, if you can't do it 100% you better stay at the front of the boat to trigger the end cause failing the sword dash will take you back at the bottom and you can loose a second. I'll post today my new maiden, i started the timer a bit late but i also stoped it late.

Toastiewaffles これを好き
Oklahoma, USA

I literally can't figure out where I lose time besides the 4 dig chest. Probably done with this cat.


Can't remember if you did this in your run but other runners hug the right of the sea when sailing to minimise time in kraken ink. There's time save there.

MrLeSinge これを好き

Ahoy, to show you what gives the dash sword trigger if done at the perfect timing : In my actual run i did it a bit to soon but you can see the trigger when the sword dispear the camera is getting out of the water, then the fade cause not perfect but then it take back the travelling and did not start again at the middle of the boat. The difference is if you watch again the run of 9.07 i failed it and it took me back to the middle of the ship (the wheel) and in the water you can see the arms of the character swiming. I hope i gave you some light on this trick.


New optimisation (i don't have the time to run it for now so i give it to you). Since there are fire bomb in the cannon barrel, if you go to the ship up the mast, take fire bomb, take planks then run to the skeleton, you have time to throw him two bombs then take the sword and kill it with 1 hit of sword. After this you have to rush to Ramsey and trigger the dialogue before he spawn or you'll lock the event. Same thing, if you kill the skeleton only with bombs it'll lock the game, the sword won't be accessible again.

Toastiewaffles これを好き