So I made an autosplitter for Frog Frenzy 2, but then realized after making it that according to the rules, timing starts when Level 1 is selected, as opposed to when gameplay starts.
Would it be okay if the runs were retimed to when gameplay starts? I personally think it makes more sense for all of the initial menuing to be out of the way before the timer starts. I was also doing run attempts with this timing.
If not then I can try to modify the autosplitter but it might be tricky.
Also I PB'd by like 40 seconds but wasn't recording 😄
Sure, I'll consider changing the timing to when gameplay starts. I'm actually curious to see how this autosplitter works out, it's definitely cool now that there is one.
Here is the autosplitter assuming the timing rules are changed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ldaICocNnyuUeByGPfyvscdkG6kxNtCY/view?usp=sharing
If you have the time I would test it out to make sure it doesn't work for me only, as maybe you have a slightly different version or something.