About the chao garden...
6 years ago

I accidentally deleted my 180 emblems save file while deleting an obsolete run save file (I know, I'm an idiot) when I created a new save file I was playing city escape, when I teleported to the chao garden with the chao key, all my chaos are still there... Is this normal?

North Brabant, Netherlands

It's normal, to my understanding your chao data is stored on a different save file called SONIC2B_ALF. This file and your other save files can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Sonic Adventure 2\resource\gd_PC\SAVEDATA or wherever your game is located.

Lexi, Ravel, そして Jaypin88 これを好き

yeah chao have a different save than game saves, your chao are universal across all saves yeah what jw said lol

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
jw13 そして Lexi これを好き

Thank you very much guys! Fortunately I saved my save files on google drive (I'm so happy right now xD)

jw13 これを好き