Information Link Dump
9 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Exosum generously shared lots of useful links with me, so I'll make the informational ones available here.

Informational article on connection-related cvars on funender:

Framerate-dependent jump height calculator:

NOTE: The following are cheat-protected, so you need to load a map with "spdevmap <mapname>"

Here are the map names, in order (not counting cutscenes): escape1 escape2 tram village1 crypt1 crypt2 church boss1 forest rocket baseout assault sfm factory trainyard sub norway xlabs boss2 dam village2 chateau dark dig castle end

Useful cvars for routing: cg_showAIstate 1/0, g_scriptdebug 1/0, cg_debugposition 1/0, aicast_debug 1/0, g_debugdamage 1/0, s_debugmusic 1/0, g_debugaudibleevents 1/0, r_shownormals 1/0, r_novis 1/0, r_nocull 1/0

Useful binds for routing: bind i "god" bind o "noclip" bind p "nofatigue" bind j "notarget" bind k "give all"

These are the ranges (in units) that enemies will be alerted for each weapon: Knife 64 Walking 256 Luger without silencer 700 Luger with silencer 64 Colt 700 Mp40 1000 Thompson 1000 Sten 64 K43 2000 K43 silenceer 128 FG42 1500 Grenade 1500 (upon throwing, not blast) Dynamite 3000 (upon throwing, not blast) Panzer 1000 Venom 1000 Flame 1000 Tesla 1000

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投稿日 8 years ago
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