Level category stop times
2 years ago
Greater London, England

What are the stop times for the Maze 1, 2 and 3 level categories?

Greater London, England

*and start times of maze 2, 3 and hallway/last hurdle

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
Greater London, England

and is fraud allowed?

The rules are now updated and have answers to all of these.

I've updated the rules for maze 1 to be a bit clearer. Since it can be hard to determine the exact moment a player touches the floor of maze 2, the run will be considered over when it is clear that at least half of the player's body is in maze 2. For example, the attached screenshot below indicates that the player is in maze 2 because at least half of their screen is in maze 2. If there are any questions about this rule or if you think I have made a mistake in the timing of a run with respect to this new rule, please message me.

Also, the "Assist" subcategory has been added to the Individual Levels since some runs had players opening doors for the runner which allowed a time save that solo players did not have access to. Runs featuring this strategy have been moved to the Assist subcategory.

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