Rash Mode possibility

I welcomed the recent incorporation of this category this year in Road Rash 2, which was also put in Road Rash 1 of genesis...

I think it's fun and incorporates the other side of this game, which is the beatings and forced crashes of other bikers while racing (and qualifying)...

I don't know what the mods think of opening this category here... I think we can almost copy paste the rules of RR2 with interesting results, maybe just using the full races time (instead of cutting when the last KO arrives) since there's no IGT available inside the races...

If mods like the idea I can work a run (in PS version) to start the category...

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
AlphaNerd これを好き


We could create such a category in the Misc section.

Based on the things you mentioned (no IGT available during races and qualifying required) maybe it would be better to just finish all races of a level? And also to make sure that you hit people in each level a minimum of 2 per level or so. Rules would be something like:

  • Choose any level (Thrash Mode or Big Game Mode)
  • Qualify in all races of the level
  • Cause 25 crashes in total
  • Cause at least 2 crashes per level

What do you think?

AlphaNerd これを好き
レベル: Sierra Nevada
レベル: The Peninsula
レベル: Pacific Highway
投稿日 7 months ago
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