投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

Rickey Rat chapter 2 has been released and while it could be considered a "remaster" I won't be adding a separate leaderboard for it. This re-release while some audios are very different from the OG chapter 2, are they same length and there are no new areas.

Chapter 2's leaderboard will remain the same, no runs will be removed (not like I would've anyways).

投稿日 2 years ago 投稿者:


Ever since Rickey Rat was deleted and audio update was released, this site has been dead. I honestly think it'll stay the same for a little bit. However, that won't change that the "Rickey Rat Returns" trailer has been released. (Watch here: ) so I have updated the site, Changes Include:

Chapter 1: Remaster IL being added Chapter 1's IL being changed to Chapter 1: Legacy New Cover New Background New Color Scheme New Icon (Soon)

Be prepared, this update looks pretty big.


投稿日 3 years ago 投稿者:

Hello Runners,

If you are in the discord server you might know about Rickey Rat chapter 1 and 2 being taken down as Gloez cannot access the game/ROBLOX making money off of it. Gloez plans on remastering chapters 1 and 2, This is great news for the community. However, if in the remasters he patches ALL glitches (Reset/Bug Spray/I lost count) then I will

A. Remove all current runs from the leaderboard B. Keep all runs on the leaderboard and have separate categories for the remasters C. request a whole new game.

I would like to avoid C and B, but this is up to the community, and the remasters aren't out anyways.

Obviously no runs will be accepted in these chapters, nor will there be runs of Full Game (though no body ever ran that category)

Thank You, Ash

Rickey Rat Chapter 2

Rickey Rat chapter 2 has been released and while it could be considered a "remaster" I won't be adding a separate leaderboard for it. This re-release while some audios are very different from the OG chapter 2, are they same length and there are no new areas.

Chapter 2's leaderboard will remain th

1 year ago
投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 7 months ago
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