Tutorial for newcomers
更新済み Earthmate
投稿者: - Version Since the text could be skipped by using the Select button, version isn't matter at all, just choose the version that you have.
- Framerules (SMB1 reference)
- Obviously, you know that the game runs at 60 frames per second, so 1 frame is 1/60th of a second (~0.016s)
- This is very important to know since you have to buy things from Yue.
- The item Yue sells actually depending on the frame when you reset the game. At first it was set when you start the game (not pressing the new game button) but you could manipulating it by calculated how much time you have to wait and reset to get the right item. Here's the image for necessary items (sorry Anwonu): 1st boss: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-vvfr4T2021THZhNlBEZ0xWWTA/view 2nd boss: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-vvfr4T2021NU1YdllfT0pPbVk 4th boss: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B- vvfr4T2021Rmtva3JtelFaYmM
- The requirements in order to beat the game
- Explosion spell (one of the most OP spells in the game) + Oil (increase your fire damage in every enemies you throw in)
- Levelizer (gain 1 level every potion you drink, I recommended getting a level around 120-140 if you are newcomer)
- Food (for myself, I usually get Pudding, Raisin Bread or maybe Gratin)
- 130 pieces of wood (to buy a Double Bed + Workshop)
- 2x Platinum, 1x Emerald, 3x Sliver, 1x Toyherb, 1x Moondrop, 1x Blue Flower (idk), 1x Pinkcat for the Unity Festival
- Engagement Ring (lv13+ Crafting level, 1x Ruby and 2x Silver)
- 4 Pink Turnips (Spring), 4 Cucumber (Summer), 6 Spinach in order to defeat the final boss. That's the main items you need to get. You could use the Jack magic seed to farm Emeralds and Rubies by let Jack transform them to items drop.
- Routing Note: Do NOT doing requested when you're doing main quest, or else the main quest will be disabled until the request is completed a/ The 1st arc
- You MUST DO Shara and Well's request, otherwise you can't do anything else.
- The manipulation starts after you done that, there are 2 solutions you could do:
- Solution 1 (only do when Yue is at the inn) Go to the Inn then immediately teleport to your house, then save the game and go back to see if Hot-Hot fruit is selling (4800G/unit) then doing the buying glitch. (by choosing the lowest price item, then choose the item you want to buy and press X in 20-frame window, you could buy the item with the price of the previous item you choose). You need around 160k Gold to buy all the things.
- Solution 2 (do when Yue isn't at the inn) Go to General Store and using the glitch to buy 1 Oil and as many Wine as you could.
- Sell the magic seed + wine and sleep.
- The 2nd day, save the game first, then go to the Inn and check for Yue. If Yue is there, save the game and find the items you need for the first 2 bosses then go. (I recommeded buying 2 Explosion spell and tons of Pudding) b/ The 2nd arc
- After you have defeated the first boss, go to Gaius's shop and buy:
- Fishing Rod
- Accessories, Shoes and Hats (recommended buying Magic and Magic Resist)
- Go to General Store and buy 9 Wheat Flour.
- Then go beat the 2nd boss. c/ The 3rd arc
- Go to the place you could fish in Sol Terrano, and fish until you get the the Pink Dot Salmon then return back to the town.
- After you finish the Sakuya's event (not discover the valley yet) save the game and manipulate for the Levelizer.
- Depending on your current level in the run, try at least get past the level 110, the finale would be easier.
- The 3rd boss will be different, since it needs the Salted Grill Pink Dot Salmon to complete. (using a Frying Pan and required a Cooking level at 12+)
- At this point you're having around 160k Gold right now, go to the Diner and buy Cooking Utensils such as: Frying Pan, Mixer, Oven and Knife.
- Go back to your house then use the Cooking Tool to make Bread (throw Flour in). You will always get cooking at Lv9. Then use the Oven to make Toast in order to increase the Cooking level at 12+
- Then use the Frying Pan, add the Pink Dot Salmon in and here you go.
- Go to the Valley first and explore all the area, then go to the Diner.
- Before you go back to beat the 3rd boss, buy the Lily Pad Seeds at the Flower Shop for the 4th one. d/ The 4th arc
- The Lily Pad you buy before, helps you cross the river leads to the cave.
- After you clear the first cave, go complete the second cave in the other side of the river and done, go to the boss and defeated it. e/ Preparation for the Aquaticus fight
- You need to grow 2 types of seeds at this point: flowers and crops.
- Flowers: as I was mention before, it's Moondrop, Pinkcat, Toyherb and Blue Flower.
- Crops: 4 Pink Turnip, 4 Cucumber, 6 Spinach and 4 Turnip.
- Use the manipulation to get 10x Love Potion and skip the whole gifting process to the bachelorette you want to run. (every Love Potion give 1 hearts)
- Then do all the request of the specific bachelorette, talk to Ondorus -> Wells -> Kuruna -> Ondorus -> Kuruna
- Go back to the house and talk with Shara in order to make the Bouquet (idk)
- Find 2 Platinums, 1 Emeralds and 3 Sliver + 4 flowers you have been grown and a Ribbon which you need to ask Evelynn for getting it, give all to Shara and wait to the very next day.
- Talk to her again and the Bouquet is complete.
- Give it to Kuruna, then go back and told Wells for execute the Unity Festival.
- Propose your waifu then the boss came and kidnapped your waifu (lol)
- Talk to Carlos -> Wells -> Marjorie -> Ondorus and go back to the beach.
- Beat the boss and waifu saved.
- Extras
- For the final boss fight, I'd highly recommended buy the potion that cure you from Silence effect, that effect kill most of my runs so remember.
- At the beginning, if you couldn't get Pudding, try getting Apple Juice, Dango or Raisin Bread as alternative.
- Dashing is faster than running normally.
- Pace (Raven% only lol)
- If you defeat the 1st boss at around 25:00, it's a 3h pace
- If you defeat the 1st boss in under 21:00, it's a high 2h pace
- If you defeat the 1st boss around 15:00-18:30, it's the WR pace!