Leaderboard rules rework !
8 years ago

Hello RE community,

Leaderboard changed a lot recently, we did our best to respect all RE runners ideas. But, some people, asked about glitched/glitchless rules stuff here and there. We have discuss that between mods and we want to suggest a new way to think :

Replace Glitched / Glitchless by Major Glitches / No Major Glitches

Indeed, in the past we were forced to ban some runs for stupid reasons. It was unfair and it was not fun for us to do it. So here is a list of what we classed as Major glitches or Minor. We wrote a lot of stuff to be clear, some of them are obvious :

- Barry Glitch (Jill)
	  Making freeze Barry in dining room
- Chemical skip (Jill)
	  Skip the chemical by Jill hitboxes glitch
- Serum Skip (Jill)
	  Menu when Richard cutscene is triggered and move during it 
- Plant42 Glitch (Jill)
	  Kill Plant42 twice to skip the Barry rescue cutscene
- Rope Skip (Jill)
	  Take the ladder at the same time than rope cutscene to skip it 
- Radio Skip (Chris)
	  Menu when radio cutscene is triggered and move during it 
- Quickshot
	  Using R1 to shot faster 
- Statue Camera Glitch 
	  Glitch the camera with menuing during the blue gems statue is falling (useless)
- Umbrella Logo Skip 
	  Skip the computer umbrella logo, not even a glitch
- Tyrant Stuck 
	  Use the key hitbox to stuck the tyrant during the first fight 
- StepLadder Hitbox for 1st crank 
	  Little hitbox "glitch" when you want to grab the first crank

So give us your POV about that first list. Then there's 2 stuff that we need to vote as minor/major glitches. Here is our first POV :

- Pause cancel
	Open inventory during a shot / knife hit / reloading. We are not talking 
	about using menuing to do major glitches listed above but only the fact 
	to skip small animation. As it was the main reason why we banned runs 
	(even if runners done this accidentaly) and as it's only used 
	for small times save. We suggest add it to the Minor list.

- Rebecca Skip (Chris)
	"You do not need to save rebecca from the hunter by the serum room
	 All that is required to save rebecca is to enter the serum corridor 
	 from the first floor and leave, this saves time on killing the hunter 
	 and the cut scene which follows"
	 Here all people are not agree. Myself i think it s more a skip than a 
	 glitch and should not be on major/minor list. But some think it's a Major 
	 glitch as it save a lot of time. 	

There it is, i will personnaly ask something, respect others and do only one post if possible to vote or POV explanations.

Love u all

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago
United Kingdom

The same could be said for Barry Skip too, though. Testing controls and entering menu immediately could cause some players to accidentally cause the Barry glitch on their first playthrough, even.

But I think it's best not to really argue what is / is not a glitch. However I think if Rebecca skip is allowed, that we follow suit if any other similar exploits are found later down the line regarding event/cutscene manip that doesn't involve pause cancelling.

The list looks good.

Pause Cancel / Saving Rebecca skip > allow

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago
wolfdnc これを好き

IMO it should be like this, and way clear for everyone:

Any% (or All Glitches)

  • Every glitch is allowed

No Major Glitches

  • Pause Cancel is allowed (easy)
  • Statue camera skip allowed (just one spot in the game and almost impossible to fail)
  • Chemical Skip allowed (anyone can learn this in 5 mins or less, no frustrating frameperfect stuff to execute)
  • Rebecca Skip allowed (easy)


  • No glitches whatsoever

Just my personal thoughts about this matter.

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago

Personnal POV :

OK : Major Glitches / No Major Glitches ( No more glitched/glitchless category ) Minor : Pause cancel Not a glitch : Rebecca skip

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago
RawDerps これを好き

i would consider pause cancel & Rebecca skip to be Minor Glitches

Major Glitches / No Major Glitches are much better category names IMO

SephJul これを好き

The list look good. To my opinion, yeah the pause cancel is a minor glitches. For the Rebecca skip, well I think this is a skip, not a glitch.


I think people does not run with (all) glitches because some of them are too frustrating to bother with, but they can handle the easier ones, that's why I added the chemical one to that category.

But I knew it was not going to be a popular opinion anyways. I just wanted to say it :D

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago
California, USA

Pause Cancel: (for animation cancel and reloads/healing/item uses) Very minor exploit that cancels recovery frames during attack animation. Can be used to dodge but is slower. I vote "minor glitch"

Rebecca Skip: It is exactly that. It is a skip. Entering a room and leaving is not a glitch. The end result is a skip. This can also be done accidentally very easily as it requires no known exploits to achieve it. You are simply marking a trigger as "complete" and leaving. It can be considered an exploit, a big time save, but not really a glitch. I vote "minor glitch/exploit" on this one.

We can not make a clear divide between glitched and glitchless. That is too broad of a spectrum. Breaking it into Major and Minor like some other communities do allows us to determine more specifically if something should be allowed or not. Not every small exploit should be considered a full on glitch which is believed by many of us runners. Some are so subtle that they can accidentally be done during a casual session. Nobody wants to see anymore runs get scrapped because of such petty restriction. It needs to be viewed with a more open mind and a reasonable conclusion based on what it means to this game. Not such a black and white perspective such as "It's technically not intended by devs." All that matters is that these things are judged with a perspective that is solely based on this game's features and how it is ran.

そして zenix これを好き
United States

Major and Minor Glitch sounds good thanks for this sephjul. Pause and Rebecca should be minor glitch of course.


I agree with terms Major and Minor Glitch -> the list must be also very clear

In my opinion :

¤ Glitchless = Minor glitch : doesn't require training at all or frame perfect or anything else like that -> 100% of success (quick shot tyrant stuck and umbrella logo are not glitchs IMO)

¤ Glitch = Major glitch : require training, frame perfect etc

I'm ok with the list proposed by Sephjul.

California, USA

It is unfortunate for runners like Rugimus who started competing in this game early on and had runs rejected for pause canceling in the past. Now we are reverting to allow pause canceling again. I think it is for the better since it is hard to truly define what constitutes as a "glitch" in RE1. So the terms stated above seem good to me.

About the "Rebecca Skip", I had made the argument for it on a previous thread and I am glad everyone sees it my way now.

SephJul これを好き
United Kingdom

I am with Zenix that 'Glitched' should simply be called 'Any%'.

Anything goes, beat the game as fast as possible with no restrictions. Clear cut and to the point. By this point, most people should be aware that Any% is simply terminology for 'as fast as possible', so it's easy enough for anyone to understand as it's the most common term involved in speedruns.

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago

Any% is not a bad idea but ... BestEnding% Any% sounds stupid no ? :D I don t think it's possible to rename it any% in our case.

Btw, i suggest to change the subcategory name in 3 days, are you ok with that ?

California, USA

I think that's fine Seph. In 3 more days, this thread will have been up for plenty of time. Most people that are going to post have probably already done it by now. I'm ok with it.

SephJul これを好き

Bad Ending = Any% Best Ending = 100%

And in addition to those above = Glitched, Glitchless, Knife Only

Sounds really clear to me.

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

From my POV Pause cancel is clearly a glitch. You cancel the recovery of your move. It doesn't matter if it's easy to do or not.

So glitching for cutscene skip is major because you skip a lot of time but pause cancel should be minor? I do not understand the logic, all these glitches are used with the "pause cancel bug" so if you put one "cancel bug" in major you should put all the "cancel bug" in major.

編集者 投稿者 8 years ago
Duckstation current version speed

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4 months ago