Shotgun Choice?
7 years ago
Connecticut, USA

Hi all, new to the forums so sorry if I ask any dumb/obvious questions

So I usually run Any% standard NG, and just recently discovered the existence of the repair kit under the house near the RV. The route I normally used had you go from Jack 2 to the recreation room to get the broken shotgun/blue dogs head->main hall to swap the broken shotgun for the normal shotgun and get the pendulum->Dining area to get the white dog's head.

Now I know we get the shotgun to save time on Marguerite, but I'm trying to determine which is faster: swapping the broken shotgun for the normal, or repairing the broken shotgun into the more powerful shotgun (but only holds 2 rounds). So far this is the list I've made:

Standard Shotgun (M37): -Holds 4 shots instead of 2, so needs to reload less -Comes with 4 rounds already in the chamber, so it's like getting 2 shells for free -Can avoid having to get the repair kit under the house (honestly, getting the repair kit takes about as much time as swapping one shotgun for the other, so not a terrible amount of time saved)

Repaired Shotgun (M21): -More powerful than the M37, can kill a standard/four legged molded in one shot or take out Jack's eyes in 2 shells each -Holds 2 rounds instead of 4, but has a faster reload animation and fires as fast as you can pull the trigger (useful for bosses) -Gives you two free inventory spaces since you don't need to swap shotguns -Routing for it is more efficient: you can go from Jack 2, get the pendulum->recreation room for the shotgun and blue dog->drop off the broken stairs to put you right at the dining hall. Saves a trip from the recreation room to the main hall to the dining area

In any case, I shaved a bit of time off my pb when I used it, but I could have just had a lucky run. I was wondering what everyone else's opinion on it was?

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
United Kingdom

I tested this hardcore since when NG first started I was maybe the 3rd or 4th to route it; and I refused to believe the M37 was a better option. The time it takes to get each shotgun is relatively the same, perhaps a minor discrepancy, however the M21 will give you more bang for your literal buck.

One of the tests I did is mainly reliabilty; but lets assume the M37 does "1" damage per close range hit, and given the M21's boost lets assume its "1.5"

The M37 i tested to have a slower fire rate in general, except up to 8 shells. The M21 fires quicker in succession but counting in the reloads up to 8 shells and so on is slower.

Lets multiply the numbers so they look more number-y

M37: 100/Shell M21: 150/Shell

I did the test per 8 shots, now do those number M37: 100¤8=800 M21: 150¤8=1200

Well holy bejebus! Thats a significant damage multiplier over a lot more shots. AKA, come big boss time you're going to need a whole 4 more shots to match the damage that the M21 just put out.

But that wasn't good enough for me, because this is speedrunning, damage isn't everything especially with Iframe bosses. It takes the M37 12.3 seconds by my old timing (if i can recall accurately) to blast off those 8 rounds, but it took the M21 13.6 or so. M21 deals that 1200, but it deals it slower than the M37's 800.

Then you do the good ol' speedrun math; bear in mind I literally did all this testing to prove that margeurite is a loooot more reliable, and potentially faster using the M21.

M37: 800/12.3=65.-Per second M21: 1200/13.6=88.-Per second

Doesn't look like much of a difference, right? These were assuming you were constantly firing. The point being, to match the damage of the M21, you need an entire 6 more seconds to unload 4 extra rounds; which is fine if you're just running and gunning headshotting molds, it doesnt matter, but with bosses, that extra little damage per shot could trigger a death. This is also assuming the multiplier of the M21 is only ¤1.5, if its any more, hell yeah its worth it.

Thats a lot of complicated shit I did to try test it thats probably all wrong; long story short, M21 deals more damage, even if its a little slower to reload in the long run. Not to mention everyone seems to have started using it after I did, hey, its gotta be good!

CptBrian, Plakue, そして Bearpigman これを好き
Île-de-France, France

I've tried both in MADHOUSE, I got more chance to oneshot a molded with the M21 With the M37, I had to be closer for the One shot.

United Kingdom

I've also tested this for Madhouse, for whatever reason the M21 seems to have a much more massive damage multiplier in Madhouse. I found myself needing 2-3 M37 headshots for molded, but only 1 with the M21, its weird but I think they did it to give some slight edge since the normal shotgun can be obtained long before the broken shotgun in madhouse, whereas on easy its practically the same time, unless you fancy backtracking for some odd reason. (The model gun is in the basement, you can go straight back up and grab the shotgun but you can't go outside to the repair kit)

I'd wager the M21 does at least 2x if not 2.5x damage for madhouse as opposed to easy which I feel is perhaps only a 1.5x multiplier. But I can't be certain, thats just from my experience with it.