Speedrunning Exacts
4 years ago
West Virginia, USA

Yo, I'm curious about some exacts to how well optimized we can make it. Anyone else doing runs, feel free to hop on and talk about it, but I'm curious about a few things and if you have questions ask too:

  1. When does the run truthfully start? Intro or House map?

  2. How in House 'Eric Dissapearing' ends the run, how does it work with Attic? The moment you hit him with the Bible?

  3. Ontop of question 1, does the time start when the first person loads in, or the last one to?

  4. People run on different WiFi speeds, do you clock the time when Eric is defeated for the first person?

  5. Are you allowed to reset during a Co-Op run, given the rules don't entitle you stay alive the way through?

If anyone has questions for exacts like these, feel free to chain them on the forum. Posting this during the problem going on with the Dark House mods, so I hope you guys take care and get things situated first.

West Virginia, USA

Nevermind, the runs verification for the 1m 46s I got answered 5, but it'd be nice to hear the others sometime.

Paraná, Brazil

Hey! With the new speedrun categories I can answer the questions for you.

  1. When the loading of "The House" finishes.
  2. In the house, when Eric says "AAAAAAAAA..." it finishes, in attic, when young Eric fully dissapears.
  3. When both players load, you need to use their screen at the same video just for your information.
  4. The Co-op speedrun ends when Eric says "AAAAA..." at the screen of any player, so the wifi doesn't really bother.
  5. You said you already know, but for whoever is reading this, yes, you can.
Going Forward

The thing about Alone in a Dark House is that its one constant is it's constant minor changes that change the speed of runs.

Beyond this point I wont be removing older runs for being slower because of a more recent update (probably shouldn't have done that anyway lol).

Now the real problem is

2 years ago
Game Update
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