Shop on IL Runs
4 years ago
United Kingdom

Are Shop items, in particular the Fist Pack, allowed on IL runs? They are an intended mechanic of the game, and they allow you to complete levels like Twilight Gulch more efficiently, but by allowing them it may cause IL attempts to become more tedious. You would either have to grind Tings to be able to afford to make repeated attempts, or turn off Autosave and reload your save file every time you fail an attempt. I'd personally support banning it on those grounds.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Inzarcon これを好き
Lower Saxony, Germany

I mostly agree with this. Especially levels with tight timing or difficult strategies right at the beginning (e.g. Swamps, Moskito's Nest) would get very annoying if you have to go to the shop and back after every restart, not even accounting for the ting grinding. I'm still a bit unsure though if outright banning it is true to the mind of speedrunning; this would technically suppress better times that can only be achieved with the Fist Pack. And Fist Pack would also certainly make some parts easier, even if the time doesn't change. Maybe there should be an additional category specifically for levels where it makes a difference? I'm personally not planning to use the shop in my runs, so maybe this won't matter anyway until a runner actually decides to use it.

Rmuda これを好き
投稿日 4 years ago
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投稿日 4 years ago
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投稿日 4 years ago
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