I am just wondering if somebody can add a 100% (aka All Dungeons, No Key Item Glitch) Category to this game.
With Jiseed's newfound glitch to add values into slots, a 100% run is now very doable.
The only real rules are that pulling key items out from the Inventory glitch is banned (that would kinda defeat the purpose of all dungeons anyway, since each dungeon has a key item in it, or a boss).
Key items are defined as follows: Letter, Key, Dynamite, Teim, Recorder, Key Tube, Maruera Leaf, Maruera Gum, Red Card, Yellow Card, Blue Card, Green Card, Plasma Ring, Prison Clothes, Prism, and all 9 Nei Items. Duping of Key Items is also forbidden (like Duping of Teim for the Teim glitch, or duping of Dynamite to save from having to get the other 2).
It also requires that all characters be recruited, though doesn't have to be used. And it should go without saying that it requires all bosses to be defeated.
I ran this category today and got a 2:45:29, which even for an old RPG like this is very good IMO. Keep in mind that this is NOT a glitchless category, just a restriction is set.
There are some things about this I personally don't like. Mainly - difference between this and "any% No Key Items Early" would be recruiting all characters, which requires you to visit 2 extra towns(conviently placed along way you're gonna go anyway) and visiting Rolf's house couple times. Overall it's like about a minute, adds no extra challenge at all and you don't really gain anything from being able to choose from more than 4 characters. If this game had some optional quests/bosses/dungeons - I would see sense of this category, but right now, not so much. I think "any% No Key Items Early" would be better choice. And of course - I'd like to hear what Jiseed thinks of the idea Anyway - I'm gonna add this category(as 100%, with your ruleset), maybe we will change name/rules later, we'll see.
the name to me doesn't matter. I didn't know there was an Any% No Key Items Early category to be honest. The way you describe it, the category does sounds very similar to 100% except for the recruiting of characters. Strategies would be similar I suppose. Considering the only difference between those types of runs would be visiting Zema to get Anna. I see your point.
Name it however you see fit. I originally called it All Dungeons No Key Items Early myself, but then I decided that I would use Anna and Shir due to the ease of being able to glitch their stats by using Hugh and Kain to do so without the loss of Inventory Space that using Rudo, Amy, (and possibly Hugh) would cause (if everybody had their stats modified using the Antidote-glitch, only Amy (or Hugh) would have an inventory, which isn't a big deal, but makes management a bit trickier, at least for me and for now). At that point, I just started calling it 100% for simplicity sake and figured "Well, if I'm doing all dungeons I might as well just get everything and showcase everything the game has to offer."
There isn't "any% no Key Items Early", it was just my idea here And yeah, name doesn't matter much