RNG manipulation
3 years ago
Nevada, USA

I discovered an RNG manipulation that has varying consistency.

Map: If performed correctly, the F1 map is ALWAYS the same as my world record run. There are however things that will not always happen the same.

Items: There are static items and dynamic items in the RNG manipulation. If the manipulation is performed correctly, my run demonstrates that I pass the stairs to go to the room to the left. This room will ALWAYS have the bow and the ring. The ring will ALWAYS be the power ring. The differences come from the dynamic items. On start theres a static armor, but to the upper left 2 items can spawn, another armor or food. If this happens, there will be a ring a few more steps north off screen. Which will guarantee the power ring glitch since it will NEVER be the power ring. F2 and F3 are always going to be a specific set of maps, and depending on the dynamic item spawns, has a 50% chance to spawn a battle axe in specific spots. I have them all memorized but explaining would be impossible. Also there are dynamic bow spawns that occur on F2 and F3, and 1 correlates to the battle axe. If the bow is there the battle axe will also be on the floor.

This manipulation is very consistent. I have not tested this on console but I use Fusion emulator. Upon emulation start, before press start happens, mash start as fast as you can, to start at the soonest frame you can, this also applies to the skipping of the intro. If doing multiple runs, I proceed to close the emulator then reload it and the rng manipulation occurs again by resetting the rng seed.

Hopefully this consistent game start helps any new comers that might want to contest my new 16:56. This run has insane luck and will prove VERY DIFFICULT to beat.

RadManFromMars likes this

Nothing fatal about this labyrinth anymore. Well done Pluma!

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