Best way to record runs?
6 years ago
Cornwall, England

Currently I have a 2DSxl and a DSlite. What would be the best software to run on, and to record on as well?

New York, USA

The DS line of consoles actually runs this game faster than the 3ds/2ds line, oddly enough. It's also much cheaper to get a DS capture card than it is to get one for 3ds/2ds, if you're considering getting one. OBS is a great program for recording / streaming basically anything. It should be able to pick up any capture cards and windows on your PC.

If you're willing to branch out on consoles a bit more, the Wii U VC version is the fastest-running version, and you just need a cheap AV capture card to record off of that. If you have no cap cards and don't wanna spend any money, then emulator runs are also fine, just note that runs on emu are hidden by default on our leaderboards.

Rioyner これを好き
Cornwall, England

Ok, thank you! I will probably invest in a DS Capture card. Just out of interest, how much of a difference does playing on the Wii U VC version make?