My Resignation
3 years ago
Texas, USA

Hey guys, I wanted to announce that effective immediately, I will step down as mod from Plague Inc. I appreciate all the time that you guys have spent submitting runs, and I appreciate the previous accountability in the past, but I just can’t do this anymore. My life has been super crowded with personal issues, and I’ve been much more interested in stuff other than Plague Inc, especially due to my dwindling interest in Plague Inc. I may come back to submit some runs, but until then, I wish y’all the best.

  • MLC/Maddie <3
編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
ItsAHumanPerson, Otterstone_Gamer そして 4 その他 これを好き
São Paulo, Brazil

Wish you all the luck. Merry Christmas and it was a pleasure to have you as our mod and reference to runs.

ItsAHumanPerson, RavishingLuke, そして Maddirisa これを好き
East Sussex, England

See yah ML, thanks for working hard for the community it will always be appreciated!

ItsAHumanPerson そして LuxEterna これを好き