New category proposals
5 years ago

Hello everyone. We are open for any proposals in regards to adding new categories to our Gen 8 category extensions leaderboards.

Please post these requests below this post.

Some of the rules before requesting a new category:

  • You must have completed at least one run of the proposed category.
  • The goal and the restrictions should not be too arbitrary. The goal of the category should have some appeal in a casual sense of the game or just be a common meme.

Please also request Alt Main Pokes requests here if you have completed a run of this.

Please specify the ruleset that is used for your category precisely, in order for us to be able to copy them over easily.

Should you have any question, join the Pokémon Speedrunning Discord and discuss it in the channel for this generation.

Pear これを好き
Connecticut, USA

Yeah I definitely shouldve looked here before submitting a run in the wrong category xD but yeah I wanna propose an alt main subsection of eternatus with corviknight%, im thinking the route is fairly similar to candyfloss's bc you use another poke besides the main for a fairly extended period of time. My run:


I added the category after declining the run :p

DemataPyro そして Quelaagging これを好き

Wanna propose a PostGame% category that is Any% + the Legendary Quest that follows after the credits. Rules are the same as Any% with the only difference being the end timing: Timing is by RTA, where timer starts upon confirming character art and name, and ends after beating Hop the very last time, right before you unlock the Battle Tower. ... (Rest is same)

Here my PB of this category:

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Pear そして wartab これを好き

Could you please add Shiftry% to the category of Alt Mains without Eternatus? Here my PB of this category:

Pear, CasualPokePlayer, そして Ranger_Squid これを好き
Connecticut, USA

@YTreds do you have notes for your shiftry? I'm interested in it a bit and would like to see what you have so far

YTreds これを好き

@Ranger_Squid I still feel that I have not studied enough. At the moment, what is important is Shiftry’s the Attack and Speed. Shiftry needs to be faster than Darmanitan on route 10 and Hawlucha on Wyndon. About Hawlucha,buying some Carboses depending on Shiftry’s IV is required.

Ranger_Squid これを好き
Connecticut, USA

well if you want to talk at all about it i'd be glad to discuss it :)

Connecticut, USA

Could a mod add my Sawk% run as a subcategory to Trade Alt Mains? Run:

California, USA

can someone add Vilepume% to trade alt mains?

Florida, USA

Im doing a raichu run but then gets mostly replaced by another pokemon from circhester. Etern is used for final battle. What category am i supposed to turn that in to? Alt routes or alt mains with Etern? Im not sure what the difference is.

United States

That sounds more like an Alt Routes kind of run strobics. Alt Mains are meant for runs that exclusively use one pokemon (with the exception of the forced doubles), while Alt Routes are meant more for runs that might do something like Dual Main, like the Candyfloss+Ninetales route

Hesse, Germany

99 Dent Run in Basic Sw/sh en old run from me but i would like to see more Runners try it

Orlando, FL, USA

Dumb question, but would this be the place to request that Haxorus be added to the trade alt main category? I have a complete run of it with a Female using Rivalry with a time of 5:01:23.83 and the link to the video will follow this.

Orlando, FL, USA

Would like to ask for Luxray to be added to the list of trade alt mains on sword, have a timed run recorded, am willing to submit it if need be for the Poke to be added, just wanted to get a better time before hand. The current time is sitting at 4:32:39, but can easily be a sub 4:30, just had a bit of bad luck in the completed run. Thank you for your time to read this.

United States

I haven't yet run this, but I am routing it and a sub-challenge.

Galarian Star: Complete the story. Run ends after beating Leon and Raihan in the Galarian Star Tournament, on the fade to black after Leon introduces the Maximizers.

Sub-Challenge: Premier League Complete the Galarian Star Run, but every encountered Legendary and Mythical has to be caught in a Premier Ball. Any other Pokemon can be caught in whichever Ball you want (examples: a Pokemon to skip Leon's capture tutorial, the Galarian Slowpoke in Wedgehurst Station, and the Cryogonal to unlock Regice). Similar runs can be named after the different Balls, such as the Ultra League, Quick League, Dusk League, etc.

United States

Dynamax Adventure Speedruns! Would be fun and also be a cool way to create a shorter Pokemon Speedrun!

The First EVER Speedrun of Dynamax Adventures:

United States

Realized I wasn’t too clear on the rules so here they are. Dynamax Adventures Speedrun: Can be done in Singleplayer or Multiplayer Must be a Random Legendary Starts as soon as the screen to pick your Pokémon Appears Ends When the Legendary at the end is knocked out. Must beat the Legendary to count You Don’t need to catch anything.

United States

I got a run in! But my splits got ruined beyond repair... I’m recording a new version for YouTube, which is the same run but with the calculated splits and times overlaid. Run time: 8 hours, 12 minutes, 8.83 seconds (or 25/30 frames).

Galarian Star

Rules: No releasing Kubfu! All Legendaries for Peony’s Adven-tour must be caught. (Just in case it’s possible to advance without them). The run ends on the fade to black before the final credits. All other rules the same as regular runs.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Ohio, USA

snom% may i say less?

Turbo Controller Rule Changes

Turbo is now allowed for all categories in the Let's Go and Sword/Shield category extensions leaderboards!

Turbo is a function that allows some 3rd party controllers to input repeated button presses by only holding the button down, i.e. holding down the A button would simulate repeatedly pressing

3 years ago
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