I did it! Poorly, but I did it. Lots of big mistakes (I missed a rare candy somewhere... pre-Dratini), but still better than I thought it would have been.
Part of a fun-run race with little to no practice with Skateman222. This was a long and memey run, done with no DSUM.
Ended up catching a Haunter in Lavender, leveling it to get Hypnosis. Hypnosis + Night Shade meant single pokeball captures for virtually every pokemon other than the legendary birds. Could actually be a legitimate time save if routed in properly and you get lucky.
Only real bad luck was Safari Zone (2.5 hours!) and level 36 Ponyta being non-existent, meaning Mansion took over an hour. Everything else went well.
Skate is the Tauros whisperer.
Played with GambatteSpeedrun (r717) with a GBC bios image