Crystal Alakazam Starter Proposal
6 years ago
New York, USA

Category Name: Alakazam%

Applicable games: Crystal(but also applicable to red)

Quick summary of goal/restrictions: Beat the game only using the Alakazam starter ball

Category type: Glitchless

Timing method: Timing starts when New Game is selected and ends when the last textbox is cleared after Red is defeated

Category-specific rules: Must use the correct romhack

Link and info for completed run(s):

  • wsopboy91 3:05:20 (2/18/2019 on gba emu)
  • Exarion 3:06:23

Link to route document:

Other general comments about the category:

  • Alakazam is the fastest crystal starter and could possibly achieve a sub 3 glitchless run

Since this is a series of related minihacks (I know Charizard was also created/routed for in Crystal), I would like to call this "Different Starter" (other suggested names are welcome). That way, we can create subcategories for whatever starter is used.

In any event, this category is approved. I will get the leaderboard added today.


More info on the series of minihacks in this Exarion paste. It looks like a Raichu run has also been done.

I've added a leaderboard with the name "Custom Starter", and submitted these 2 runs (currently pending verification). I separated this leaderboard from the Minihacks board, since it's a case that requires subcategories (perhaps the Minihacks board can be done away with entirely, if enough any other hacks require subcategories).

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago

UnderscorePoY has updated the base version of these minihacks to version 1.3; the ROMs and a text file describing the changes can be found in this repository.

All runs from this point should use version 1.3 until further notice. The runs on old versions will be kept on the leaderboards.
