投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

Hello Everyone!

Project Playtime has received another big update on October 26th that changes a lot of different things about how the game works, so some changes were made on the leaderboard to reflect that

  • Tutorials

Category was moved to miscellaneous, as the tutorials were removed in the Phase 3 update

  • Survivor Win

Misfit Pit was added as a map choice

投稿日 1 year ago 投稿者:

Hello Everyone

A big update came out in Project Playtime on May 31st which changed the game in a lot of ways, and because of that we had to update certain categories to correspond with these changes, so here is a run down of what was changed.

  • Tutorial Runs

A revamped survivor tutorial was added along with a tiny update to the monster tutorial. All of the records from before the update were moved to Misc. and a new Tutorial category was created in it's place.

  • Puzzle Pillars

A lot has changed in regards to puzzle pillars over the past few months. 3 new puzzles were added, puzzle pillars now randomize which puzzles are on each side, and puzzle related perks (such as master pianist) work differently than before. Because of that, all the old records have been moved to Misc. as well, and a new Puzzle Pillar category was made.

  • Survivor Win

Added a new map "Destroy-A-Toy" as a sub-category.

投稿日 2 years ago 投稿者:

We have decided to allow downpatching of Project Playtime for Tutorial Runs, as in the new versions of the game tutorials are either broken or bug fixes made the WR unbeatable.

Here is a guide to help you downpatch the game: https://www.speedrun.com/pj_pt/guide/wjmoc

Phase 3

Hello Everyone!

Project Playtime has received another big update on October 26th that changes a lot of different things about how the game works, so some changes were made on the leaderboard to reflect that

  • Tutorials

Category was moved to miscellaneous, as the tutorials were removed in the Phas

1 year ago
投稿日 1 year ago
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投稿日 2 years ago
投稿日 2 years ago
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