Tee Color
3 years ago

Can you please confirm which tees can be used for runs? Red is the closest to the pin. White middle. Blue furthest. I would like to run this game but would be good if something was in the rules.

NihilistComedyHour これを好き

When I get a chance, I will look into this game in the franchise, since it appears to the only that doesn't use Amateur/Professional Tees, but does have 3 colors, and also appears to have amateur/professional.

webz80 これを好き

Thanks, not sure it will be worth creating a leaderboard for every tee type, but perhaps just allow runners to choose whichever tees they want. Red is closest, so likely to be the fastest.

NihilistComedyHour これを好き

Haven't had a chance yet to explore it, but if doesn't change tee location like it does it other games, than what does the Amateur/Pro settings actually do in this game? Just make it slightly harder?


I have only played a couple of rounds on this game so wasn't sure myself, but just had a look. Here are the hole distances for each tee on the 1st at River Highlands. Red - 380 White - 406 Blue - 418 Red is the no-brainer choice.

Then there are 3 difficulties - Novice, Amateur and Pro. Your club distance is longer the higher the difficulty. Using the 1 Wood for example, you can hit it a maximum of the following yards: Novice - 222 Amateur - 248 Pro - 275

So Pro seems the logical choice there... However, the sweet spot (yellow hit zone) is much smaller on Pro than on Novice and Amateur, so more difficult to get right. Novice and Amateur have the same sweet spot, so I found that the difference between them was the swing time. Novice - 3.6s Amateur - 1.8s Pro - 1.8s

So it is easier to time it right with Novice, but for the purposes of a speed run, is actually a negative because it takes longer. To me, Amateur seems the right balance unless you get good enough to hit the Pro sweet spot consistently and take advantage of the extra distance.

dab88 そして NihilistComedyHour これを好き
投稿日 3 years ago
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