Load times
9 years ago
Bourgogne, France

For some reasons, the total time I spend in loadings appears to be bigger than Penns87's... So here's a breakdown of my average time for each loading :

Prologue > Chap. 1 : 40s Chap. 1 > Chap. 2 : 34s Chap. 2 > Chap. 3 : 37s Chap. 3 > Chap. 4 : 20s Chap. 4 > Chap. 5 : 52s Chap. 5 > Chap. 6 : 61s Chap. 6 > Epilogue : 34s

That makes a total of : 278s (or 4m38s). Penns87's total on his PB is : 251s (or 4m11s)

Penns87 and any new runner, can you give a similar breakdown please. It is not a vital, but I'd like to see how and where it varies (and eventually understand why).

ps : Also, it can be helpful for you to know approximately your average total load time so you can estimate your IGT without having to calculate every time. ;)

Bourgogne, France

So I watched Penns87's PB and here's the breakdown :

Prologue > Chap. 1 : 35s (-5) Chap. 1 > Chap. 2 : 32s (-2) Chap. 2 > Chap. 3 : 34s (-3) Chap. 3 > Chap. 4 : 17s (-3) Chap. 4 > Chap. 5 : 47s (-5) Chap. 5 > Chap. 6 : 55s (-6) Chap. 6 > Epilogue : 31s (-3)

All the loadings are faster for Penns87, even though we're both on Xbox One...

United States

Mine are pretty similar to yours. Im usually getting around 4:25-4:30 worth of loads. Luckily in my PB it was on the high end so I got the 21:xx

Prologue > Chap. 1 : 38s Chap. 1 > Chap. 2 : 34s Chap. 2 > Chap. 3 : 36s Chap. 3 > Chap. 4 : 19s Chap. 4 > Chap. 5 : 49s Chap. 5 > Chap. 6 : 59s Chap. 6 > Epilogue : 34s

Timbouton これを好き
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