Show off your bugs/glitches
4 years ago

This happened to me on one of my runs . Feel free to clip and post your bugs/glitches that you experience playing

cokemaster0 そして f1 これを好き
United States

LOL! This is actually a good proof of concept for clipping into unintended zones given a high enough upwarp. These clips often occur for me in the ending section when I'm riding the wall (once had an astonishing 15s+ period of airtime before landing back on the track)

I do think there is probably a way to clip past the gate on lap 1 by triggering similar crazy physics that sends you flying. Both Goomba and I have accidentally done this part of the way by clipping a very particular spot on the fence, but both of us died soon after before figuring out if the clip could actually progress the run and I don't think either was recorded.

This is the first time I've actually looked at one of these events frame by frame. I'm wondering if these events are caused by a "normal" car flip that gets compounded by immediately contacting a sloped object in a certain way on the next frame, triggering physics that multiplies that initial vertical momentum.

Needless to say, these glitches appear impossible to get consistently, but I would love to see someone pull one off to save time.


Shortly before my first 100% run, this happened I manged to make the second lap cars not spawn in, as well as the cars chasing me. However what makes this attempt unique is that the last car that is "always" loaded in wasn't in this video. Didn't know what the long term affects were while in the run, so I had to do the safe gas strait, of which likes to kill my run.Sorry for choppy recording I fixed it afterwards.

cokemaster0 これを好き
United States

This bug happens when an error occurs in the CPU drive control code while the game is running. When this happens the cpu cars basically stop functioning, with a telltale sign being the high pitched engine sound you start hearing faintly in the background soon after the error occurs that continues until the game ends.

mooing_cowmilk これを好き
California, USA

This was a first for me. The black van pushed me as I flew out of the tunnel which probably caused the crossroad gate not to trigger. Another thing is that I ran out of gas and a car pushed me into a gas token but the game still ended which is interesting to know.

mooing_cowmilk これを好き

Yeah that gate didn't triggered for me on one run, but die very shortly after landing because the black van landed on top of me. The trigger box can be triggered if you go back (you don't even have to go through the tunnel to trigger it. It's possible to do the route backwards and trigger it from the ground. Keep in mind that is a lot slower.) The gas thing is interesting, surprised you got both of these things into the same run

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