New Generic red Category
3 years ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Can you guys make a generic red category called skipless? It takes out all skips such as the stone wall jump in 2 and the sushisquid strat in 3.

United States

The problem is, those aren’t glitches, simply the game being performed well. It would be too hard to look at all runs to see if they use it or not, as well as it not making much sense.

MinecraftGaming これを好き
Ottawa, ON, Canada

No I'm not talking about Glitchless I'm talking about Skipless because there are no glitches in this game

United States

Yes, I know, they aren’t necessarily skips, just playing the game well. Using them, are you actually skipping gameplay, or doing it faster.

MinecraftGaming これを好き
Ottawa, ON, Canada

oh now I get what you are trying to say

Massive Multiplayer Platformer and TEST - MMO Platformer v0.7 removed from leaderboards

Massive Multiplayer Platformer and TEST - MMO Platformer v0.7 have been removed from the OSG leaderboards, due to MMP getting it's own leaderboards. You can now find the MMP Leaderboard here:

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