Timer started as the first cutscene begins, splits made as each level title loads in, timer stopped as the What A Drag cutscene starts. Lindblum gave the go ahead for QuikSaves during the run, was unsure in the initial instance. No AutoSplit, so just went with the provided split in resources (Scrabania first). IGT taken from save file time which said 1:41 - may not be accurate.
Also, NnT is ten years old now, so woo!
Any% NMG
Subcategory Platform
In-Game Time
1h 41m 00s
1h 45m 48s
提供者 Splits.io
# | 名前 | スプリット | 終了時間 |
1 | RuptureFarms ゴールド | 3m 53s 879ms | 3m 53s 879ms |
2 | Stockyards | 6m 53s 786ms | 10m 47s 665ms |
3 | Monsaic Lines | 3m 27s 572ms | 14m 15s 237ms |
4 | Scrabania | 17m 22s 953ms | 31m 38s 190ms |
5 | Scrabanian Temple ゴールド | 14m 42s 410ms | 46m 20s 600ms |
6 | Scrabanian Nests ゴールド | 1m 59s 503ms | 48m 20s 103ms |
7 | Paramonia ゴールド | 8m 50s 132ms | 57m 10s 235ms |
8 | Paramonian Temple | 14m 46s 970ms | 1h 11m 57s 205ms |
9 | Paramonian Nests ゴールド | 2m 02s 676ms | 1h 13m 59s 881ms |
10 | Free-Fire Zone | 4m 06s 906ms | 1h 18m 06s 787ms |
11 | Zulag 1 ゴールド | 4m 41s 202ms | 1h 22m 47s 989ms |
12 | Zulag 2 ゴールド | 5m 13s 290ms | 1h 28m 01s 279ms |
13 | Zulag 3 | 6m 15s 447ms | 1h 34m 16s 726ms |
14 | Zulag 4 ゴールド | 8m 05s 461ms | 1h 42m 22s 187ms |
15 | The Boardroom ゴールド | 3m 26s 461ms | 1h 45m 48s 648ms |
レベル: Free Fire Zone
レベル: Scrabanian Nests
レベル: Scrabanian Temple
レベル: Scrabania
レベル: Paramonian Nests