Deaths at speedruns
As far as I can tell, dying while enemies are on the Map speeds them up, so they come out faster - I didnt test a whole lot, but will do soon.
yes but I believe they have to be spawned in for them to gain the buff, if they spawn in while you are dead they dont get the buff
Overhaul on the Full runs and endless mode
there are now new perimeter, diffifculty and map, if you submit a full runs you need to select: "Complete Story Act/s" and then the difficulty you played on, if you play endless, choose: "Endless Mode" as difficulty.
thats all for now, stay healthy
レベル: Old Friends - North Wing
レベル: Old Friends - Cliffside
レベル: Old Friends - Close Quarters
レベル: Old Friends - The Lava Pits