GBA and DS Versions?
7 years ago
Northern Ireland

I looked around on the website and couldn't find it, maybe I'm just blind? Are the versions there different enough to be listed as separate games/categories?

Czech Republic

They are most likely different. We did not set up leaderboards for these platforms as they are obscure and noone showed any interest whatsoever to run it.

But if you plan to run them, I can create a separate leaderboards. Just need a confirmation the game is actually different (like for example The Run on PC/PS and on Wii).

Greater Manchester, England

@Ewil I can confirm the game is different on the DS and GBA versions although whether they follow the same route I'm unsure, I did manage to do a Any% run for the GBA version a while back but it is basically Finish the Game as you cannot skip any bosses and there's probably about 2 races that you don't have to do in the entire game to face Razor.

Here's my run for those that are curious:

scoagogo これを好き
Northern Ireland

I finished my run on GBA and played around on the DS version and there are some very subtle differences, such as in GBA you need more Respect/Rep to face Razor etc, I also think some courses are slightly different so here's my recommendation:

Set up 'Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) (GBA/DS) and have separate categories/subcategories for GBA and DS, as the slight Rep differences may allow you to skip more races and the DS version may run faster etc.

Tollbooths and Prologue ILs

The previously missing Tollbooth tracks, along with the prologue races (Riverfront & Marina, Financial & Shipyard, Waterfront & Century, Warrent Road) and the "Final Pursuit" have now been added.

Additionally, updated rules to state all essential UI is required, minimap only being needed for the Ch

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