Fe's time on Neverball Medium has no video or even a screenshot.
This post can serve as notification that Fe most likely achieved Neverball Medium in 6m 30s 360ms
A self-verified time with no proof should almost always be deleted. "No vid no did" Have you seen the video UJ?
I could have said all this on discord lol. I thought I would make it more formal this way. Having a post in the forum makes it look like this isn't a dead speedgame, so that is another good reason to talk about it here. Maybe we can get more runners.
I would like to make this page a bit more pretty like I did with the STK page, with a neverball rolling along the bottom of the screen and a nice screenshot for the background. Could I please have mod power?
We need to add "Linux" and "macOS" to the list of platforms also.
I edited my run with "Linux" instead of "PC", it is the same run as earlier.
That post I made in the main mod thread was for Xonotic not Neverball. I've been busy today, I've even confused myself a few times.
Did you run this game with controller or keyboard or mouse? Does it even support controllers?
I liked the balls because they reminded me of Geocities websites haha. It does look pretty silly though. They almost fit up the top, and it almost looks okay, maybe just a little tweaking.
I put a cleaner background, it's much easier to read the text now, and it fits the green+white theme better.
Using the coins is a great idea, like blue coin for first, red coin for second and yellow coin for third. I'll try it later and see what it looks like.
I think we would be okay with adding the Neverball ball as the favicon at least. The other game that uses the Neverball is Neverputt, and that does not have a speedrun.com page. Also the Neverputt ball is red+black instead of white+black.