How to Reset the Owls
更新済み Elfflame
投稿者: For the All Owl categories the owls need to be reset by deleting save data otherwise when you go to do a run the owls will already be collected.
To reset the owls you need to exit the game and delete two files and then relaunch the game. The two files are as follows:
- Find your appdata folder and then locate the E_Line Media folder. Mine is located at C/Users/Elfflame/Appdata/LocalLow/E_Line Media. Once you are inside the E_Line Media folder there should be a file called Never Alone. Delete the file named "Never Alone."
A tip to fine the appdata folder is go to your windows search and type in %appdata%
- In your steamapps folder you need to delete the file called appmanifest_295790. On my computer the file is located as follows: C/Steam/steamapps/appmanifest_295790
Again after a run exit the Never Alone game and then delete both files and then relaunch the game. All owls should now be reset and collectable again.