All Character Missions and 100% Category
7 years ago
North Carolina, USA

So I've been bored and had recently thought about a different Marvel Nemesis run where you have to do all 5 of every character's missions, call it "All Character Missions" or something of the like. The only missions you can't do are every Elimination Round unfortunately.

I also had a thought for 100%, where you have to start from a fresh memory card and unlock all cards, vs. characters, comics, movies, etc. I don't know about this though cause it would require probably more than 2 whole play throughs.

Out of the two of these I'd prefer All Character Missions than 100%, atleast for now. Only cause 100% for this game would be quite long.

f1 これを好き

When I was creating the leaderboards, I considered a cateogry that required unlocking all of the vs characters characters, but definitely didn't think the run would be relevant to anyone else's interests. That's why I just stuck to the story mode. If you were to run something like this, we'll see what the run looks like and be more than open to create a category for it!

All Character Missions sounds like a fantastic idea; a hybrid between Any% Story Mode and 100%. I will be more than willing to add this category to the leaderboard. But, again, it's not a category until someone has ran it.

North Carolina, USA

I've routed out All Character Missions and 100%, and I made a meme category called "Web Slingin' Ass Kickin'" for shits and giggles (for this one, the timer ends when Spider-Man says that line, as early as you can get him to say it). I'll be doing these runs over the course of the next few days, maybe not 100% yet though, cause that does require 2 play throughs of the game and I think a fresh memory card too if you want to include getting all the Vs. mode characters (it wouldn't extend the run except for the time it takes to say "Vs. Mode Character Unlocked" or whatever the screen is, because in 100% you'd have to do every mission of the game anyways, so that can be discussed).

I'll definitely do All Character Missions and Web Slingin' Ass Kickin' quite soon though. I know the latter is silly but I think meme categories are always pretty fun.

I know I'm pretty much the only one doing these runs, so I know it's not really competitive, but it's fun and that's what matters to me lol. Why don't you do any runs for the game?

f1 これを好き
North Carolina, USA

Here is my All Character Missions run

Here are the splits:

WeaponLord これを好き
North Carolina, USA

Here's my Web Slingin' Ass Kickin' run.

Here are the splits:

WeaponLord これを好き
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